Translation glossary: EN-DE Dictionary Of Explosives And Gases

Showing entries 251-300 of 721
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fulminating dampGrubengas 
English to German
fulminating dampschlagendes Wetter 
English to German
fulminating dampSchlagwetter 
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
furnace gasGichtgas 
English to German
fuse valuesSicherungswerte 
English to German
English to German
gas absorptionGasaufnahme 
English to German
gas analyzerGasanalysator 
English to German
gas analyzerGasanalysegerät 
English to German
gas analyzerGasanalysengerät 
English to German
gas analyzerGasprüfer 
English to German
gas billGasrechnung 
English to German
gas bottleDruckgasflasche 
English to German
gas bubble (in the weld)Pore (in der Schweißnaht) 
English to German
gas carbonSpaltkohlenstoff 
English to German
gas carbonitridingGascarbonitrieren 
English to German
gas clean-upGasaufzehrung 
English to German
gas clean-upGasreinigung 
English to German
gas cleaningGasaufzehrung 
English to German
gas cleaningGasreinigung 
English to German
gas compositionGaszusammensetzung 
English to German
gas compressorGaskompressor 
English to German
gas conduitGasleitung 
English to German
gas consumptionGasverbrauch 
English to German
gas coolerGaskühler 
English to German
gas cylinderDruckgasflasche 
English to German
gas dampsGasdämpfung 
English to German
gas detectorGasmelder 
English to German
gas detectorGasspürgerät 
English to German
gas detectorGaswarnanlage 
English to German
gas detectorGaswarnsystem 
English to German
gas detectorGeigerzähler 
English to German
gas dischargeGasentladung 
English to German
gas drainageEntgasung 
English to German
gas dryingGastrocknung 
English to German
gas eruptionGaseruption 
English to German
gas exchangeGasaustausch 
English to German
gas exchangeGasstoffwechsel 
English to German
gas exhaustGasaustritt 
English to German
gas exploitationGasauswertung 
English to German
gas exploitationGasgewinnung 
English to German
gas extraction (landfill)Gasextraktion 
English to German
gas fading resistanceGasechtheit 
English to German
gas fieldErdgaslager 
English to German
gas fieldErdgaslagerstätte 
English to German
gas fieldErdgasvorkommen 
English to German
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