Translation glossary: localDE

Showing entries 201-250 of 370
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minor tick marks (in sliders)untergeordnete Markierungen (in Schiebereglern) 
English to German
English to German
English to Spanish
modal dialog boxesmodale Dialogfenster 
English to German
English to German
modeless dialog boxesmoduslose Dialogfenster 
English to German
modifier keysZusatztaste 
English to German
Modify (command button)Ändern 
English to German
mouse button 1Maustaste 1 
English to German
mouse button 2Maustaste 2 
English to German
mouse buttonsMaustasten 
English to German
mouse devicesMausgeräte 
English to German
mouse operationsMausbefehle 
English to German
mouse-over feedbackDarstellungsänderung bei Berührung mit dem Maus-Cursor 
English to German
move pointersBewegungszeiger 
English to German
move pointerspunteros de movimiento 
English to Spanish
move pointerspunteros de movimiento 
English to Spanish
multiple document interface (MDI)Multiple Document Interface (MDI) 
English to German
multiple selectionMehrfachauswahl 
English to German
native codenativer Code 
English to German
English to German
nested split panesverschachtelte geteilte Fenster 
English to German
New (item in File menu)Neu 
English to German
nodes (in tree components)Knoten (in Baumkomponente) 
English to German
noneditable combo boxesnichtbearbeitbare Kombinationsfelder 
English to German
noneditable text fieldsnichtbearbeitbare Textfelder 
English to German
nonfilling slidernichtfüllende Schieberegler 
English to German
Normal (item in Format menu)Normal 
English to German
notification dialog boxDialogfeld \"Benachrichtigung\" 
English to German
Object (menu)Objekt 
English to German
OK (button)OK 
English to German
padding (command buttons)Füllen (Befehlsschaltflächen) 
English to German
Page Setup (item in File menu)Seite einrichten 
English to German
English to German
English to German
Paragraph (item in Format menu)Absatz 
English to German
password fieldsPaßwortfelder 
English to German
password fieldscampos de contraseña 
English to Spanish
Paste (item in Edit menu)Einfügen 
English to German
English to German
plain textNur-Text 
English to German
plain text areaNur-Text-Bereich 
English to German
plain windowsnormale Fenster 
English to German
English to German
plug-in editor kitPlug-in-Editor-Kit 
English to German
pluggable look and feelleicht zu erfassendes Erscheinungsbild 
English to German
English to German
posted menusständig sichtbare Menüs 
English to German
posting menusMenüs ständig sichtbar machen 
English to German
Preferences (item in File menu)Einstellungen 
English to German
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