Translation glossary: medical

Showing entries 1-50 of 54
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Dutch to English
articulated vertebrabeweegbare wervels 
English to Dutch
back stopsluitril 
English to Dutch
bewegingsverliesloss of movement 
Dutch to English
blinde bloedkwekenroutine blood test 
Dutch to English
Blue boxblue box 
English to Dutch
Boitier de façadeweergavemodule 
French to Dutch
botombouwbone remodelling 
Dutch to English
center blademiddenblad 
English to Dutch
chase volumegedraaide volume 
English to Dutch
cone nosetrechtervormige uiteinde 
English to Dutch
constitutional bradycardiaaanleg voor bradycardie 
English to Dutch
Cross Element Guidekruiselementgeleider 
English to Dutch
darmpakketall of the intestines 
Dutch to English
evenwichtsprikkelvestibular registration 
Dutch to English
fibrosis sectsfibrotische delen 
English to Dutch
flared bladeuitlopend blad 
English to Dutch
Dutch to English
French to Dutch
I.V. safety catheteri.v. veiligheidskatheter 
English to Dutch
ictus cordis is binnen de midclaviculaire lijn en is niet heffendno heave (or lift) 
Dutch to English
informed consent formtoestemmingsverkaring; informatie- en toestemmingsformulier 
English to Dutch
Dutch to English
investigational treatmentexploratieve behandeling 
English to Dutch
Dutch to English
keyed wingsgemarkeerde richels 
English to Dutch
klierpakketlymph node group 
Dutch to English
klierstationlymph node station 
Dutch to English
klinische blikclinical glance 
Dutch to English
lean muscle / lean muscle massspiermassa / droge spiermassa 
English to Dutch
mini-grabber connectorminigrabber-connector 
English to Dutch
needle hubaanzetstuk 
English to Dutch
open vein accessbestaande veneuze toegangsweg 
English to Dutch
organic automatic adjustment malfunctionstoring als gevolg van een natuurlijke,automatische aanpassing 
English to Dutch
physician orderrecept 
English to Dutch
English to Dutch
English to Dutch
plunger headzuigergrip 
English to Dutch
English to Dutch
points gachettestriggerpoints 
French to Dutch
English to Dutch
rostrale buikrostral belly 
Dutch to English
scalenus poortscalene opening 
Dutch to English
scored tabletdeelbare tablet 
English to Dutch
secondary poisoningsecundaire vergiftiging 
English to Dutch
skin bridge elevatorshuidlifter (voor huidbrug) 
English to Dutch
slap hammerhandvat met slagkop 
English to Dutch
snap electrode patchesplakelektrode met drukknop 
English to Dutch
English to Dutch
sump catheterzuigkatheter 
English to Dutch
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