Translation glossary: EN-DE Dictionary Of Printing, Paper and Typography

Showing entries 801-850 of 1,565
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minus signMinuszeichen 
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
English to German
modernklassizistische Antiqua 
English to German
monitoring printerKontrollblattschreiber 
English to German
mosaic printerMosaikdrucker 
English to German
mosaic printerRasterdrucker 
English to German
multicolour printingMehrfarbendruck 
English to German
multifunction printerMultifunktionsdrucker 
English to German
multiple masterMultiple Master 
English to German
multiple-pass printingMehrschrittdruck 
English to German
multiplication crossMalzeichen 
English to German
multiplication signMalzeichen 
English to German
multiweb printmehrbahniger Druck 
English to German
multiweb printermehrbahniger Drucker 
English to German
English to German
English to German
name of printerDruckername 
English to German
English to German
negativ printNegativkopie 
English to German
neo-grotesqueserifenlose Linear-Antiqua 
English to German
network printerNetzdrucker 
English to German
new Didot systemneue Didot Maßsystem 
English to German
new Didotpicaneue Cicero 
English to German
new Didotpicaneue Didot Cicero 
English to German
newly printeddruckfrisch 
English to German
English to German
newsprint paperRotationsdruckpapier 
English to German
newsprint paperZeitungsdruckpapier 
English to German
non carbon printingNoncarbonverfahren 
English to German
non impact printeranschlagfreier Drucker 
English to German
non impact printernichtmechanischer Drucker 
English to German
non-impact printernichtmechanischer Drucker 
English to German
non-lining figureMediavalziffer 
English to German
non-lining figureMinuskelziffer 
English to German
non-lining figureNautische Ziffer 
English to German
non-printednicht ausgedruckt 
English to German
nonimpact printeranschlagfreier Drucker 
English to German
English to German
nonprintable characternichtabdruckbares Zeichen 
English to German
nonprintingnicht abdruckbar 
English to German
nonprintingnicht bedruckbar 
English to German
nonprinting areadruckfreier Bereich 
English to German
number of copies printedAuflagenhöhe 
English to German
number of copies to be printedAuflagenhöhe 
English to German
number symbolNummer-Zeichen 
English to German
number to be printedAuflagenhöhe 
English to German
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