Translation glossary: Business/trade

Showing entries 151-185 of 185
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English to Portuguese
redressement fiscalpayment of back taxes 
French to English
remises supplémentairesadditional discounts 
French to English
R�mun�ration tr�sorerieinterest on cash balances 
French to English
reprendpicks up 
French to English
Reprises de provisionsadjustment of provisions 
French to English
requête réiteréerepeat petition 
French to English
research materialMaterial de pesquisa 
English to Portuguese
responsabilidades vencidasarrears 
Portuguese to English
R�sultat net hors FDCnet profit excluding FDC 
French to English
French to English
royaltiespreço do direito de utilização 
English to Portuguese
salaires et chargessalaries and expenses 
French to English
French to English   Business/Commerce (general)
French to English   Business/Commerce (general)
English to Spanish
sera redevable d’une indemnité forfaitaireliable for a lump-sum payment 
French to English
sobretaxa de moraarrears rate 
Portuguese to English
sports divingmergulho desportivo 
English to Portuguese
sports fishingpesca desportiva 
English to Portuguese
survenirtake place 
French to English
taxation scheduletabela de taxas de imposto 
English to Portuguese
French to English
tire parti detakes advantage of 
French to English
total tr�sorerietotal cash position 
French to English
tour guideguia de turismo 
English to Portuguese
tourism operatorsOperadores turísticos 
English to Portuguese
transitaireforwarding agent 
French to English
Tribunal de Grande InstanceCourt of First Instance 
French to English
un bailleasehold 
French to English
useful livesvidas úteis 
English to Portuguese
valant notice d’informationto be considered as an information note 
French to English
valuation of propertyavaliação de bens 
English to Portuguese
wholly locally owned firmfirma/empresa totalmente nacional 
English to Portuguese
wholly locally owned firmempresa totalmente nacional 
English to Portuguese
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