Translation glossary: Miscellaneous Kudoz Terms

Showing entries 151-200 of 302
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mal denominadowrongly-dubbed/wrongly-named/misnamed 
Spanish to English
medios de disparoflush(ing) mechanism/flush valve 
Spanish to English
medios de elevaciónlift facilities 
Spanish to English
meses corridos de calendarioconsecutive calendar months 
Spanish to English
micronutrients deficienciesdeficiencias de micronutrientes 
English to Spanish
minke whale/humpback whalerorcual aliblanco/ballena jorobada 
English to Spanish
mojantewetting agent 
Spanish to English
Moody Lectureconferencia Moody 
English to Spanish
morsa rotativarotary vise 
Spanish to English
mufflers (not scarves)bufandas (no fulares) 
English to Spanish
mufflers (not scarves)bufandas (no fulares) 
English to Spanish
needle-nose pliersalicates de punta fina 
English to Spanish
networkingestablecimiento de contactos 
English to Spanish
Obtenga libros a partir de 100 euros con solo un clickBuy books from 100 euros with just one click 
Spanish to English
off-the-shelf softwaresoftware comercial/listo para la venta/listo para usar 
English to Spanish
oficialistas (partidos oficialistas)pro-government 
Spanish to English
one size fits all approachsolución única/general - planteamiento universal 
English to Spanish
oppismupis/advertising panels 
Spanish to English
outstay one's welcomequedarse más de lo debido/abusar de la hospitalidad de alguien 
English to Spanish
padrinobotella (de 2 litros) 
Spanish to English
pantalla de cola de impresiónprint queue screen 
Spanish to English
para un correcto reparto del calor en el productoto allow the product to heat through evenly 
Spanish to English
para uso exclusivo nacionalfor domestic use only 
Spanish to English
Partes de arribatops 
Spanish to English
pasarán de elthey will ignore him/won't bother with him/won't pay him the blindest bit of notice 
Spanish to English
pastillas de frenobrake pads 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
patrimonio de los primeros (see context)exclusive to the former 
Spanish to English
pensamiento de curso normalnormal thought process 
Spanish to English
personalidades del mundo de la cultura y el artefamous faces from the cultural and art world 
Spanish to English
pichudo (LAm slang)cool 
Spanish to English
pieces of eightreales de a ocho 
English to Spanish
pienso vitaminadovitamin-enriched feed 
Spanish to English
pista de vareoexercise track 
Spanish to English
English to Spanish
plenariaplenary/plenary session 
Spanish to English
plum tomatoestomates pera/tomates perita 
English to Spanish
polemizarto argue/debate 
Spanish to English
Spanish to English
poner los ojos enset their sights on 
Spanish to English
porotos de soja beneficiados para el consumo humanoprocessed soybeans for human consumption 
Spanish to English
portafolletosleaflet stand/literature stand 
Spanish to English
portallaveskey rack 
Spanish to English
portavehículosvehicle transporter 
Spanish to English
ported headcabeza porteada (de cilindro) 
English to Spanish
posiblemente tu cuenta haya sido violadait is possible that your email account has been compromised 
Spanish to English
practice memberpaciente miembro (del consultorio médico) 
English to Spanish
próxima apariciónupcoming release/launch/publication 
Spanish to English
pre-insulated "pipe in pipe" for district heatingtuberías compuestas preaisladas para calefacción en centros urbanos 
English to Spanish
Spanish to English
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