Translation glossary: Finanzen EN

Showing entries 351-400 of 554
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Mittelzuflüsse und -abflüssecash flows 
English to German
mixed blessingnicht nur vorteilhaft 
English to German
monetäre Postenmonetary items 
English to German
money market mutual fundsGeldmarktfonds (m.) 
English to German
monitor (v.)überwachen 
English to German
moral hazardmoralisches Risiko (n.); Moral Hazard (m.); moralisches Wagnis (n.) 
English to German
moral hazard problemsMoral-Hazard-Probleme (npl.) 
English to German
movementKontobewegung (f.) 
English to German
movement of fundsFluss von Mitteln 
English to German
Mutterunternehmenparent company 
English to German
nachweislich verpflichtetdemonstrably committed 
English to German
nahestehende Unternehmen und Personenrelated parties 
English to German
near moneyQuasigeld (n.); Geldsurrogat (n.) 
English to German
negativer Unterschiedsbetragnegative goodwill 
English to German
negotiable order of withdrawal account; NOW accountSichtkonto (n.) 
English to German
net effectGesamtresultat (n.); Gesamteffekt (m.) 
English to German
net worthReinvermögen (n.) 
English to German
Nettobarinvestitionswertnet cash investment 
English to German
Nettoinvestitionswert aus dem Leasingverhältnisnet investment in a lease 
English to German
Nettoveräußerungswertnet realisable value 
English to German
English to German
Neubewertungsbetrag eines Vermögenswertesrevalued amount of an asset 
English to German
nicht garantierter Restwertunguaranteed residual value 
English to German
non-existent money marketsnicht vorhandene Geldmärkte 
English to German
notice depositsKündigungsgelder (npl.) 
English to German
NOW account (n.)Spargirokonto (n.) 
English to German
Nutzungsdaueruseful life 
English to German
occur (v.)entstehen 
English to German
occurrenceAuftreten (n.) 
English to German
on timepünktlich 
English to German
open-market operationsOffenmarktgeschäfte 
English to German
operating subsidiary (n.)konzerneigene Betriebsgesellschaft (f.); konzerneigene Handelsgesellschaft (f.) 
English to German
Operating-Leasingverhältnisoperating lease 
English to German
English to German
English to German
originäre Finanzinstrumenteprimary financial instruments 
English to German
overdraw (v.)überziehen 
English to German
overhangÜberhang (m.) 
English to German
overturn (v.)aufheben (v.) 
English to German
parties in a financial contractFinanzkontraktpartner (mpl.) 
English to German
party to a transactionVertragspartei (f.) 
English to German
pay off (v.) depositsEinlagen zurückzahlen 
English to German
pay off (v.) in fullin voller Höhe zurückerhalten 
English to German
payeeZahlungsempfänger (m.) 
English to German
payerZahlender (m.) 
English to German
payment systemZahlungssystem (n.) 
English to German
payment systemsZahlungssysteme (npl.) 
English to German
payoff methodAuszahlungsmethode (f.) 
English to German
Periodenabgrenzungaccrual basis of accounting 
English to German
Periodenergebnisaccrued profit or loss 
English to German
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