Translation glossary: Aviation & Airline Standards

Showing entries 101-150 of 890
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BuildingA permanent fixed structure, such as a house, factory, hotel, or office building. 
Bulk LoadAny loose or non-containerized load. 
BulkheadA rigid partition. 
Bull\'s EyeThe character used in conjunction with an OCR document number on audit coupons to identify the 13-digit numbering scheme as opposed to the 12-digit scheme. 
Business ClassA class of service with seating standards which may be superior to those provided on premium economy/economy class but less liberal than standards provided in first class. 
Business DaysIn the context of Airport Coordination/Advice Procedures, business days refers to business days in the country of the message originator. 
CabinAll areas of an aircraft where passenger seats are installed (also known as fitted interior). 
Cabin BaggageBaggage of which the passenger retains custody (also known as \"Hand\" and/or \"Unchecked\"). 
Cabin ColumnColumn within a Cabin used to identify Seats and Cabin Components within a Row. 
Cabin CompartmentA physical aircraft compartment where passenger seats are installed, classified by a given Cabin Type. 
Cabin ComponentNon-seat related cabin feature or facility (e.g. lavatory, galley, closet, stowage, etc.) 
Cabin CrewCrew members, other than flight deck crew. 
Cabin Crew LocationSeat location for cabin crew. 
Cabin ElementA part of a cabin having some specific characteristics or function. 
Cabin LayoutPlanned utilization layout of aircraft cabin section/zone. 
Cabin SectionDivision of the cabin into zones for the purpose of balance. 
Cabin TypeType of compartment of an aircraft, offering specific services (e.g. business class, economy). 
Cached Flight AvailabilityCached availability is a database of saved availability on a Members. flights for a pre-designated length of time and/or degree of accuracy. This database is stored in an external entity\'s system (e.g. GDS, online subscriber, direct connect provider, agency). A cache may be used in place of availability queries only when bilaterally agreed. 
CancellationWhen a Member or CRS is required to cancel or change reservations (including waitlistings) on any segment of an itinerary it shall determine what disposition is to be made of the entire itinerary and shall promptly cancel all unwanted segments. 
Cancellation ChargeThe service charge made by reason of failure of a passenger to use reserved accommodation without having cancelled such accommodation prior to the latest appropriate time for cancellation specified by the carrier. 
Cancellation Fee(see \"Cancellation Charge\") 
CargoAny goods carried on an aircraft and covered by an air waybill. 
Cargo Heating DeviceHeating capability of the cargo hold. 
Cargo Ventilation DeviceVentilation capability of the cargo hold. 
CarriageCarriage of passengers and/or baggage by air, gratuitously or for hire. 
Carriage MediumMethod used to convey or transport goods or passengers from one place to another. See list of media in RP1745, attachment A paragraph 3.2. E.g. Airline Van, Rail. 
CarrierThe organization which carries the passenger, baggage, or goods, and/or commits to delivering the carriage as well as any related services such as issuance of ticket, creation of Order, etc. 
Carry-on Baggage(see \"Unchecked Baggage\") 
Carrying AirlineA party over whose routes a passenger and his baggage are transported or are to be transported. 
Carrying MemberAny Member participating in transportation of passenger. 
CashAny payment that is collected by the agent and settled between the Airline and the agent. Refer to IATA Resolution 728 Attachment A for full details. 
Center Of GravityThe point at which an aircraft would balance if it were possible to suspend it at that point. 
Center Of Gravity LimitEnd point forward or aft of the range within which the center of gravity of an aircraft must lie for safe flight. 
Center Of Gravity Limit TableSet of related Center of Gravity (CG) limits. 
CentroidThe center of mass of a geometric object of uniform density. 
Change of Equipment en Route\"A scheduled change of aircraft, occurring one or more times en route, but identified by one airline designator/flight number between the station of origin and the station of destination. 
Change of Equipment en RouteA scheduled change of aircraft, occurring one or more times en route, but identified by one Airline Designator/Flight Number between the Station of origin and the Station of final destination. For further guidance, see SSIM manual Appendix H: Duplicate Flight Legs. 
Change Of GaugeA scheduled change of aircraft, irrespective of aircraft type, occurring one or more times en route. In flight operations, the change occurs under an Airline Designator and Flight Number between the station of origin and the station of final destination. In flight distribution, the change occurs within a passenger segment. 
Change of Gauge en Routesee “Change of Equipment En Route” 
ChargeAn amount to be paid for carriage of excess baggage based on the applicable rate for such carriage; or an amount to be paid for a special or incidental service in connection with the carriage of a passenger or baggage. 
CheckA written order instructing a financial institution to pay immediately on demand a specified amount of money from the check writer\'s account to the person named on the check or, if a specific person is not named, to whoever bears the check to the institution for payment. 
Check DigitA digit added to a given number to check the accuracy of the number. The modulus 7 check digit used with document numbers is the remainder of the division of the number to be checked by 7. 
Check-in DeskA counter in an airport at which a passenger may check in. 
Check-in Process\"The process involving those activities necessary to evaluate passengers and make them ready to board flights, possibly including : 
Checked BaggageBaggage of which the carrier takes sole custody and for which the carrier has issued a baggage check. 
ChildA person who has reached his/her second birthday but not his/her 12th birthday as of the date of commencement of travel. 
Children\'s FareA fare for a person who has attained his second but not his twelfth birthday as of the date of commencement of travel. 
Circle TripTravel from a point and return thereto by a continuous circuitous air route; provided that where no reasonably direct scheduled air service is available between two points, a break in the circle may be traveled by any other means of transportation without prejudice to the circle trip. 
Circle Trip - Normal FaresTravel from a point and return thereto by a continuous, circuitous air route, including travel comprising two fare components but which do not meet the conditions of the round trip definition 
Circle Trip - Special FaresTravel from a point and return thereto by a continuous, circuitous air route, comprising only two international fare components which do not meet the conditions of the round trip definition 
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