Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

running fit

Added to glossary by Paul Lambert
May 20, 2015 10:30
9 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Swedish term


Swedish to English Tech/Engineering Metallurgy / Casting Drilling tests
As opposed to "presspassning", which I have as "forced fit".

Sentence given:
"Skruvförbandsprov med spelpassning gav likvärdig utmattningslivslängd för orbitalborrade hål som för konventionellt borrade hål."
Proposed translations (English)
5 -1 running fit
4 -1 clearance fit


Deane Goltermann May 21, 2015:
Nice is the word... Here's some more reading that includes both suggestions. Then you can judge how they fit your context -- the important thing. an...
Paul Lambert (asker) May 20, 2015:
Now I am confused. I will have to consider your respective arguments carefully, but please let's be kind.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

running fit


Note added at 11 hrs (2015-05-20 21:49:15 GMT)


"presspassning" => interference fit (tech. correct) or "press fit" (pop. English)
Peer comment(s):

disagree Deane Goltermann : See my reference. In response to your disrespectful comment, see my added explanation.
6 hrs
I did, and if you had bothered to look at the next page you would have found that "clearance fit" is a much wider concept than "running fit". For your convenience I have linked to that page in my "disagree" to your answer.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "In the given context at least, this turned out to be right, thus points to you Sven. Now, if we could all just bury the hatchet..."
1 hr

clearance fit

This looks pretty good -- see

Note added at 11 hrs (2015-05-20 21:47:45 GMT)

Here is a definition of the Swedish term, found at (

Passningarna kan grupperas in i tre olika kategorier: spelpassning, greppassning och mellanpassning. Exempel på de olika passningstyperna illustreras som en axel och ett hål i Figur 17. (Stokes, 2013, s.) **Spelpassning** tillåter full rörelse av axeln i hålet. Ett mellanrum finns här mellan axeln och hålet, vilket åstadkoms genom att antingen överdimensionera hålet eller underdimensionera axeln. I greppassningen sitter axeln säkert i hålet. Axeln måste pressas in eller passas in med uppvärmnings- och kylnings-/krympningsmetoden. Greppassningar är inte avsedda att ta isär. Mellanpassningen är en kompromiss mellan de två övriga. Axeln hålls säkert i hålet och har också förmågan att avlägsnas utan skada. För användning med Makerbot Replicator 2X kommer mellanpassning vara när man inte beaktar toleranssättning.

A serious reading of this Swe definition matches closely with a serious reading of my reference

'FIT : The general term of fit to describe the range of tightness designed into parts which assemble one into another. The fit can be explained under the three categories'. CLEARANCE FIT : A type of fit in which one part fits easily into another with a resulting clearance gap. See the below example; B-FORCE (INTERFERENCE) FIT : A type of fit in which one part must be forcibly fitted into another. See the below example; C-TRANSITION FIT : A type of fit in which loosest case provides a clearance fit and the tightest case gives an interference fit. See the example below,
Peer comment(s):

disagree Sven Petersson : - Addendum: I admire your cut and paste skill. I mean no disrespect. But the plain truth is that your answer is wrong. Sorry! Paul is bound to conclude so from provided ref.
9 hrs
Your disagree lacks linguistic merit. See my quoted definitions. Your addendum remains disrespectful in violation of the kudoz rules.
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