Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

bend former

Added to glossary by Charlesp
May 30, 2005 08:38
19 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Tech/Engineering Metallurgy / Casting
as in Dim bockdorn (relating to Reverse Bending Testing) on dornar

Proposed translations

1 hr

test bend former

Dornar are different types of drifts, used to punch things out of holes. There are hammerable/punch drifts used for nails in carpentry, and larger drifts used for industry. Bockdorn is a machine used to form bends. Engströms calls it a test bend former, see the reference below for a sample machine.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, and thanks for the detailed explanation."
1 hr

bending mandrel

Or forming mandrel. Just guesses.
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