Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:


Added to glossary by Michele Fauble
Oct 21, 2020 14:44
4 yrs ago
21 viewers *
Swedish term


Swedish to English Bus/Financial Management
This is one of those words or phrases I have yet to figure out what they actually mean, and I'm a native Swedish-speaker! How does a "körschema" differ from a regular "schema"? Nevertheless, here is the sentence that's giving me a headache:

Vi gjorde ett ”körschema” för varje utbildning där vi dokumenterade vårt resonemang.
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Jan 5, 2021 23:13: Michele Fauble Created KOG entry


Leif Ohman Oct 21, 2020:
Schedule Stub If they created a schedule of some kind "för varje utbildning" then that may be a hint.
It may not be a very detailed schedule, but only a rough or tentative schedule:

"Schedule Stub
We don’t have a schedule of sessions ready yet, but the rough schedule will be:"

By no means assured, see: "mer detaljerat körschema" here:

In this latter case, going with JaneD's suggestion makes more sense.

I'm a native speaker of Swedish, too, but I don't live in Sweden.
This term may require "in-country knowledge" that I don't have...
JaneD Oct 21, 2020:
No difference? I think if you don't know - or feel - the difference, as a native speaker, we haven't got much chance! I guess this is just one of those "I'm going to use a different word just because I can" things. So I'd translate it as "schedule".

Proposed translations

4 hrs


Maybe this, depending on further context.

Note added at 4 hrs (2020-10-21 19:41:39 GMT)

Toasmastertipsen och körschema för bröllop. Tisdagmorgon, solen skiner ... Cut Your Wedding Guest List in Ten Minutes with a Flow Chart.
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks! This is probably the best option in my particular case."
6 hrs

cue schedule


Based very much on my first reference:

Körschema är ett tidsschema att följa vid till exempel studioinspelning eller direktsändning. Ett körschema är en tabell där man skriver upp tider, VB-inslag, ljud, kameror och även de sista ord man avslutar med i en tv-sändning.
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9 hrs

timing schedule

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13 hrs

running sheet

Using the explanation of "körschema" given in Wikipedia, the equivalent, at least in Australia, is "running sheet", or "run sheet". I know this from own experience working with radio production.
Example sentence:

Q: What is an Event Run Sheet? A: It’s the tool professional event managers use to define the order of tasks and activities that happen on the day.

Having our extensive, three-page, running sheet was at the very heart of our entire show. The running sheet proved to be incredibly helpful and enabled us to stay on track with time and content.

Peer comment(s):

agree SafeTex : This suggestion indeed get the right hits as long as Wiki is right initially as to what it is in Swedish
33 mins
Thanks, and I am quite certain of the Swedish expression as well.
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