Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:


English translation:

skills enhancement and/or upgrading qualifications

Added to glossary by Christine Andersen
Dec 17, 2007 09:37
17 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Swedish term


Swedish to English Bus/Financial Management management training
This is for management course (coaching), and is very commonly used in Swedish but I can't put my finger on just the right term - or terms - in English. Several options are needed, as I can't use the same on throughout 90 pages... (and obviously the term "performance excellence as entered in Wikipedia is meaningless in this context).

...." leda andra och ge dem den kompetensutveckling de behöver för att göra diit jobb"
Change log

Dec 19, 2007 12:26: Christine Andersen Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

41 mins

skills enhancement and/or upgrading qualifications

I agree that kompetensutveckling can be difficult to translate.
Skills enhancement is a term that comes up regularly, but does not always fit.

Upgrading qualifications is another that I use in various forms
'to upgrade qualifications' etc.

I used to feel that 'competence' had a ring of mediocrity in some contexts, as if the need to mention it called it into doubt, but correctly used, competence is OK.
'To lead others and help them develop the the competence they need to do their jobs... '

A lot of the google hits I have found that do use 'developing competence' etc. appear to be translated however...

As you have a 90-page document, you may find the situations vary. The training and coaching needed for supervisers and safety representantives wil be very different from what is needed at middle and top management levels.

If it leads to actual certificates, diplomas, or new subject areas , then I call it something to do with upgrading qualifications.

If it is general social and leadership skills or communications, then I often go for skills enhancement.

See what others suggest...
Peer comment(s):

agree Sven Petersson : "Skills enhancement" is a good translation, "upgrading qualifications" is not (the spirit of the message gets lost).
1 hr
agree Catherine Brix : I would't completely discount "upgrading" given that you've 90 pages of this. Growth, improvement, enhancement progress as well as competence, skills, qualifications, expertise, training, are all appropriate. Mix 'n match.
4 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks, all, for your input! I will probably use all of the suggested alternatives! =)"
2 hrs

skills development

Skills development is a more common term than skills advancement. However, they can probably be used as synonyms; it would be difficult to argue that there is a difference in meaning.
In the UK there has been a skills development agency.
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