Glossary entry

Swedish term or phrase:

Intags chef

English translation:

supply officer

Added to glossary by Mabel Garzón
Oct 22, 2007 20:43
17 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Swedish term

Intags chef

Swedish to English Bus/Financial Management Real estate company
I arbetsgruppen skall även personer som har ledande befattning ingå, det är exempelvis försäljnings chef, Intags chef samt representant för ekonomi.
Proposed translations (English)
4 supply officer
Change log

Oct 29, 2007 08:07: Mabel Garzón changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/30997">Mabel Garzón's</a> old entry - "Intags chef "" to ""supply officer""

Oct 29, 2007 08:08: Mabel Garzón changed "Edited KOG entry" from "<a href="/profile/30997">Mabel Garzón's</a> old entry - "Intags chef "" to ""supply officer""

Proposed translations

1 hr

supply officer

"Turn in any excessive material to the supply department. The supply officer is responsible to the commanding officer for the proper performance and administration of financial management responsibilities. The supply officer must make sure funds are properly managed, used, and accounted for on a daily basis. He or she accomplishes this by acquiring a thorough understanding of TYCOM financial management policy. The supply officer has to effectively communicate this policy to the commanding officer and department heads and to closely monitor execution within the budget plan".
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you Hanne"
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