May 20, 2015 17:14
9 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Swedish term


Swedish to English Bus/Financial Law: Contract(s) collective agreement for setting of wages
This term features primarily as a heading in a collective agreement, as well as a handful of instances in flowing text, such as:

"Protokollsanteckning 1 innebär att giltig frånvaro från deltidsarbetet, t ex på grund av sjukdom, permission etc skall tillgodoräknas deltidsarbetaren som arbetad tid."

We've translated this as "entry in the minutes", but while editing think something like "protocol note" may suit the context better as there is no real mention of 'minutes' anywhere else in the document.

Any guidance appreciated!


Chris Says Bye May 22, 2015:
FWIW it sounds to me like little mini-agreements recorded in the minutes of the negotiations between the two sides. No idea what to call them though, sorry.
Richard Green (asker) May 21, 2015:
Yes, there are, such as this:

"Enligt protokollsanteckning 2 skall mertidsersättning inte utges när det är fråga om en förlängning av det dagliga delarbetstidsmåttet till följd av att håldagar o dyl skall inarbetas enligt lokal överenskommelse."

Does this help?
Deane Goltermann May 20, 2015:
Notation Taking a second look here, your context reads like it is a notation next to the name of a person. In this case, the 1 after the name indicates valid absence.

Are there more of these numbers in your text?

Proposed translations

1 hr

Minute entry

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15 hrs

(minutes) notation

Since there are several of these, I think I'd go with this suggestion. It looks like they are categorizing how people who are scheduled to attend a meeting should be paid (with the various pay categories.
Example sentence:

The notation (1) indicates... and notation (2) indicates ...

Peer comment(s):

agree Charlesp
3 days 22 hrs
Thanks, had to look up 'annotation' as it is not in my normal vocabulary. Three syllables is generally too long for my brain to process! ;-)
Something went wrong...
4 days

minutes annotation

minutes annotation, as another alternative.

Note added at 4 days (2015-05-25 06:59:51 GMT)

As for "protocol note" - I would say not.
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