Apr 17, 2019 15:50
5 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Swedish term
Swedish to English
IT (Information Technology)
Very little context here.
Term appears in a list discussing features of a healthcare IT system.
SSO-uthopp från TC till Clinic24
Term appears in a list discussing features of a healthcare IT system.
SSO-uthopp från TC till Clinic24
Proposed translations
4 | Exiting/linking to an external system | Leif Ohman |
4 | jump | Deane Goltermann |
Proposed translations
1 day 7 hrs
Exiting/linking to an external system
"uthopp, dvs. får åtkomst till ett annat system"
"tjänster... där invånaren, via en... uthoppsfunktion, skickas vidare... till en annan webbplats.
Uthoppsfunktionen gör det möjligt att nå en extern tjänst efter att invånaren har loggat... "
"Med uthopp till extern tjänst avses länkning till en tjänst som fungerar tillsammans med 1177 Vårdguidens e-tjänsters inloggning... (användaren lämnar
i detta fall e-tjänsterna). Med andra ord ingår... anslutna tjänster i en inloggningsfederation. När man är ansluten till denna federation ska man i sitt gränssnitt tillhandahålla en väg tillbaka in till e-tjänsterna samt en möjlighet att logga ut (Single Log Out)."
To summarize, you are leaving (for good or to return, see below) your home organization by accessing the services of a different member of the same authentication federation that your home organization belongs to. Once there, when done, you can either go back to your home organization or log out altogether.
Note added at 1 day 8 hrs (2019-04-19 00:06:13 GMT)
Repeating the links, since two of them got mangled...
Note added at 3 days 3 hrs (2019-04-20 19:16:33 GMT)
Possible translations of the sample text:
"SSO-link from TC to Clinic24" or "SSO-based link from TC to Clinic24"
Compare to:
"NameCoach Campus Connect affords... an SSO-based link or widget in your student portal..."
Source: https://cloud.name-coach.com/faq
"tjänster... där invånaren, via en... uthoppsfunktion, skickas vidare... till en annan webbplats.
Uthoppsfunktionen gör det möjligt att nå en extern tjänst efter att invånaren har loggat... "
"Med uthopp till extern tjänst avses länkning till en tjänst som fungerar tillsammans med 1177 Vårdguidens e-tjänsters inloggning... (användaren lämnar
i detta fall e-tjänsterna). Med andra ord ingår... anslutna tjänster i en inloggningsfederation. När man är ansluten till denna federation ska man i sitt gränssnitt tillhandahålla en väg tillbaka in till e-tjänsterna samt en möjlighet att logga ut (Single Log Out)."
To summarize, you are leaving (for good or to return, see below) your home organization by accessing the services of a different member of the same authentication federation that your home organization belongs to. Once there, when done, you can either go back to your home organization or log out altogether.
Note added at 1 day 8 hrs (2019-04-19 00:06:13 GMT)
Repeating the links, since two of them got mangled...
Note added at 3 days 3 hrs (2019-04-20 19:16:33 GMT)
Possible translations of the sample text:
"SSO-link from TC to Clinic24" or "SSO-based link from TC to Clinic24"
Compare to:
"NameCoach Campus Connect affords... an SSO-based link or widget in your student portal..."
Source: https://cloud.name-coach.com/faq
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
3 hrs
Pretty sure on this one... as in 'jump between apps' (tho I learned it as between programs/subroutines ... before apps existed).
Here's a reference https://www.sapho.com/blog/killing-employee-productivity/
Search "jump" + " between apps" for more reading.
This has actually been up on proz before, but perhaps not definitively.
First in 2008,
And then 2009
Not that these help altogether ... ;-)
Here's a reference https://www.sapho.com/blog/killing-employee-productivity/
Search "jump" + " between apps" for more reading.
This has actually been up on proz before, but perhaps not definitively.
First in 2008,
And then 2009
Not that these help altogether ... ;-)
Source: https://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/PunchOut
"Punch-out är en typ av beställning som innebär ett uthopp från Lantmännens inköpssystem till en webb-baserad katalog/shop som skapats och underhålls av leverantören"
Source: https://lantmannen.com/siteassets/documents/06-leverantorspo...
"Select the vendor from this side window, which will transition you over to their website."
Source: https://www.sikich.com/insight/how-to-use-dynamics-365-purch...
"TakeCare can launch external systems from menu choices."
Source: http://tchelp.sll.se/ver/Central_systemadministration/index....
(At the top, click on "Konfigurera uthopp", then, in the left pane, click on "External Systems...")
So you can choose between "leaving... going to", "transition over to" and "launch external systems".
But again, "punchout" is NOT the term you are looking for...
There are good reasons to consider "switch" if you Google a bit but I'm not going to suggest this officially as Deane has done all the research and without him, I would not have had any idea as to what "uthopp" could mean in this context.