This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Feb 28, 2014 14:57
10 yrs ago
Swedish term
Swedish to English
IT (Information Technology)
Service layer architecture
Found in a report on the reference architecture for a new service layer being implemented, in a section detailing the layering of this new service layer. Full sentence:
Direkta anrop till underliggande tjänst tillåts inte eftersom det riskerar att försvåra underhåll av tjänstefloran med tiden.
The document is a report from a government agency, possibly for an internal audience.
Direkta anrop till underliggande tjänst tillåts inte eftersom det riskerar att försvåra underhåll av tjänstefloran med tiden.
The document is a report from a government agency, possibly for an internal audience.
Proposed translations
4 | palette of services offered | Mats Wiman |
Proposed translations
1 day 21 hrs
palette of services offered
'flora' would not do