Feb 8, 2010 13:51
14 yrs ago
Swedish term


Swedish to English Bus/Financial Finance (general)
I have a few sentences that are causing me problems (posted as two separate questions).

Över 30 olika kopplingar finns i produktion för i stort sett alla nordiska banker för lokala bank direkt betalningar, fakturabetalningar och givetvis bastjänsten kortbetalning.

Thank you in advance!
Proposed translations (English)
4 +2 Sentence
3 connection facilities / connection types / protocols

Proposed translations

4 hrs


It would help to have some more context, but here's what I got, let me know if it was helpful:

Over 30 different connections are in production for almost all Nordic banks for local bank direct payments, invoice payments, and of course basic service card payment.
Peer comment(s):

agree Charlesp : except I would add "credit/debit card payment."
22 hrs
agree Helen Johnson : I'd say basic card payment service
2 days 15 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
1 day 4 hrs

connection facilities / connection types / protocols

Although "connections" is exactly what the Swedish says, I think what the Swedish means is something like "connection types". For example, the procedures for sending direct payments are very similar to, but not identical with those for invoice payments. In technical terms, they use different protocols -- the rules for communicating, rather as we use HTTP or FTP or TELNET, different types of connections all using the same underlying connection, namely TCP/IP. That might be too technical for your context, so I would be tempted to use "connection types".
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