Apr 21, 2006 09:08
18 yrs ago
Swedish term
Hej, bifogat beskedet från RTR.
Swedish to English
Business/Commerce (general)
This (and the two sentences below) appear on a fax cover sheet of a German "Bescheid" that I am translating and I have no idea what it means. Here is the whole bit:
bifogat beskedet från RTR. En bilaga på runt 200 sidor följer med postvägen.
V.v obs, detaljer gällande överföring:
[Bank information]
Med vänliga hälsningar
Santa Claus"
I also don't have a clue whether it is easy or not - sorry. But thank you for your help regardless!
bifogat beskedet från RTR. En bilaga på runt 200 sidor följer med postvägen.
V.v obs, detaljer gällande överföring:
[Bank information]
Med vänliga hälsningar
Santa Claus"
I also don't have a clue whether it is easy or not - sorry. But thank you for your help regardless!
Proposed translations
5 +3 | Hi, attached the message from RTR | Terence Ajbro |
Proposed translations
2 mins
Hi, attached the message from RTR
This is Swedish
Note from asker:
Thank you, Terence - I am aware that it is Swedish (I think I pressed the right buttons). Could you help me with the rest? |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thank you very much. :-)"
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