Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Serbian term or phrase:
plošna masa
English translation:
mass per unit area
Serbian term
plošna masa
3 +1 | mass per unit area |
Milena Taylor
![]() |
Feb 20, 2016 16:53: Ratko Rebic changed "Language pair" from "English to Serbian" to "Serbian to English"
Feb 22, 2016 13:21: Sonja Rodić Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
mass per unit area
s platnenim vezom, sirovinskog sastava 100 % lan, gustoća niti osnove i potke je 15 niti/cm, finoća pređe je
100 tex, plošna masa tkanine je 260 g/m2
, debljina tkanine je 0,53 mm; S1 - sirova tkanina s nanesenom
izolacijom i jednim slojem preparacije plošne mase 388 g/m2
i debljine 0,78 mm, S2 - sirova tkanina s
nanesenom izolacijom i dva sloja preparacije plošne mase 494 g/m2
i debljine 0,82 mm i S3 - sirova tkanina
s nanesenom izolacijom i tri sloja preparacije plošne mase 515 g/m2
i debljine 0,92 mm. Finoća pređe
određena je gravimetrijskom metodom prema normi HRN ISO 2060:1994. Gustoća tkanine ispitivana je
prema normi HRN ISO 7211-2:1984.
Standard Test Method for Measuring Mass per Unit Area of Geotextiles
Significance and Use
This test method is used to determine if the geotextile material meets specifications for mass per unit area. This test method can be used for quality control to determine specimen conformance. This measurement allows for a simple control of the delivered material by a comparison of the mass per unit area of the delivered material and the specified mass per unit area.
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