Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Serbian term or phrase:
štetni događaj
English translation:
harmful event, loss event
Added to glossary by
Miomira Brankovic
Jun 28, 2009 06:20
15 yrs ago
29 viewers *
Serbian term
štetni događaj
Serbian to English
compensation of damage
Štetni događaj – Budući, neizvestan i od volje osiguranika nezavisan događaj čije nastupanje predstavlja ostvarivanje opasnosti koja je obuhvaćena osiguranjem.
Svrha obeštećenja kod vidova neimovinske štete je da se oštećenom dosudi pravična novčana naknada radi mogućnosti uspostavljanja psihičke ravnoteže koja je poremećena štetnim događajem.
Odgovornost za nematerijalnu štetu postoji samo onda kada štetni događaj prouzrokuje štetu, nije dovoljna samo povreda inače pravno zaštićenog nematerijalnog dobra.
Prema odredbi člana ..., štete prouzrokovane neosiguranim vozilom naknađuju se u istom obimu i prema istim uslovima kao da je bio zaključen ugovor o obaveznom osiguranju, a limit obaveze utvrđuje se prema ukupnoj šteti u jednom štetnom događaju.
Pravo na naknadu štete nastalu upotrebom nepoznatog vozila stiče se ukoliko se ni šest meseci od nastanka štetnog događaja ne utvrdi ko je prouzrokovao nesreću, odnosno štetu.
Svrha obeštećenja kod vidova neimovinske štete je da se oštećenom dosudi pravična novčana naknada radi mogućnosti uspostavljanja psihičke ravnoteže koja je poremećena štetnim događajem.
Odgovornost za nematerijalnu štetu postoji samo onda kada štetni događaj prouzrokuje štetu, nije dovoljna samo povreda inače pravno zaštićenog nematerijalnog dobra.
Prema odredbi člana ..., štete prouzrokovane neosiguranim vozilom naknađuju se u istom obimu i prema istim uslovima kao da je bio zaključen ugovor o obaveznom osiguranju, a limit obaveze utvrđuje se prema ukupnoj šteti u jednom štetnom događaju.
Pravo na naknadu štete nastalu upotrebom nepoznatog vozila stiče se ukoliko se ni šest meseci od nastanka štetnog događaja ne utvrdi ko je prouzrokovao nesreću, odnosno štetu.
Proposed translations
4 +8 | harmful event |
V&M Stanković
![]() |
4 +2 | loss event |
![]() |
3 +1 | damaging event |
Cica Krestic
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2 +1 | prejudicial event |
Natasa Djurovic
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Change log
Jul 3, 2009 20:29: Miomira Brankovic Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
4 hrs
harmful event
"Michigan Traffic Crash Facts
Harmful Event - A harmful event is an occurrence of injury or damage."
( )
Insurance glossary
Peril: A harmful event which may be covered under a contract of insurance or reinsurance as an insured peril or excluded from it. A contingency or fortuitous happening which could cause losses."
( )
"Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI), UK
Text of the Lugano Convention
In respect of liability insurance or insurance of immovable property, the insurer may in addition be sued in the courts for the place where the harmful event occurred. The same applies if movable and immovable property are covered by the same insurance policy and both are adversely affected by the same contingency.
which is concluded between a policy-holder and an insurer, both of whom are at the time of conclusion of the contract domiciled or habitually resident in the same Contracting State, and which has the effect of conferring jurisdiction on the courts of that State even if the harmful event were to occur abroad, provided that such an agreement is not contrary to the law of the State; or..."
( )
"Pravosudna akademija
(3) u stvarima koje se se odnose na štetu, delikt, ili kvazi-delikt, pred sudovima mjesta gdje je nastupio štetni događaj;
(3) in matters relating to tort, delict or quasidelict, in the courts for the place where the harmful event occurred;..."
( )
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Rekla bih da su i harmful event i loss event jednako tačni, ovaj odgovor biram zbog brojnije podrške. Hvala svima na doprinosu."
10 mins
damaging event
Ne znam da li postoji zvanični termin - neko ko se bavi osiguranjem bi verovatno bio merodavniji.
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Zoran Lojanica
: ja sam ovo imao u jednom tekstu na engleskom, doduše ne iz sfere osiguranja, ali to je koncept
2 days 5 hrs
27 mins
prejudicial event
stetni dogadjaj-prejudicial event
Poslovni recnik-M. Cvejic
Note added at 33 mins (2009-06-28 06:54:44 GMT)
Note added at 35 mins (2009-06-28 06:56:29 GMT)
stetni dogadjaj-prejudicial event
Poslovni recnik-M. Cvejic
Note added at 33 mins (2009-06-28 06:54:44 GMT)
Note added at 35 mins (2009-06-28 06:56:29 GMT)
1 hr
loss event
"A Loss Event is an event resulting in damage which may constitute grounds for the establishment of a right to Insurance Benefit."
"Insurance Dictionary: Loss Event Circumstance that produces the loss."
"Loss event ...means an event leading to damage, loss or destruction which could constitute a right for insurance payment."
There are different types of loss and they could be caused by a number of factors. Whether this be fire, flood, smoke, water, theft, burglary, or subsidence.
Loss event
This is the event that has caused the loss that you are claiming for."
"Insurance Dictionary: Loss Event Circumstance that produces the loss."
"Loss event ...means an event leading to damage, loss or destruction which could constitute a right for insurance payment."
There are different types of loss and they could be caused by a number of factors. Whether this be fire, flood, smoke, water, theft, burglary, or subsidence.
Loss event
This is the event that has caused the loss that you are claiming for."
Peer comment(s):
agree |
Pavle Perencevic
10 hrs
agree |
Bogdan Petrovic
: svi predlozi su validni
1 day 7 hrs
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