This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
May 28, 2010 13:36
14 yrs ago
4 viewers *
Italian term

salvo gravame

Italian to German Law/Patents Law (general)
im Schlussantrag der beklagten Partei (Zivilklage):

in via istruttoria in subordine e **SALVO GRAVAME**

...condannare a corrispondere a XXX ogni e qualsiasi somma di denaro che XXX, sempre in denegata ipotesi, fosse condannata, **SALVO GRAVAME**, a sborsare agli attori per qualsiasi titolo, motivo o causale

Proposed translations

1 day 2 hrs

abgesehen von Anfechtung/Bestreitung

ich will meine Hand nicht ins Feuer legen, aber vielleicht kann dieser Begriff behilflich sein.
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