Dec 13, 2009 16:19
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Indonesian term

bintang-bintang laut yang besar bertebaran dalam warna-warna rupawan

Indonesian to English Other Tourism & Travel
ni buat skrip film dokumenter....tolong yaa...

Proposed translations

4 hrs

large starfish in a magnificent array of colour

array = "an impressive group of things on exhibition, as a window display"
Note from asker:
thanks....really helpful
thanks thanks......
Peer comment(s):

agree Suzan Piper : magnificent John
1 hr
Thanks, Sue
agree eldira
1 hr
Thanks, Eldira
agree Meidy Maringka
3 hrs
Thanks, Meidy
agree Mohamad Rudi Atmoko
4 hrs
Thanks, Mohamad
neutral Ian Forbes : An elegant turn of phrase, but what about ‘bertebaran’? How about ‘large starfish lie scattered about in a magnificent array of colour’?
8 hrs
Hi Ian, I suppose I was relying on 'array' to convey the idea of 'bertebaran'. Too liberal? I'm hoping you can have a scattered array. If not, I'm sunk!
agree Arfan Achyar
1 day 17 hrs
Thanks, Arfan
agree robbyren : The translation can't be any better than this.. Great translation!
7 days
Thanks RR
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
33 mins

big starfishes spreading in their beautiful colours

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11 hrs

big starfishes in a charming array of colours

colour/color pake s karena lebih dari satu, dan saya lebih suka pakai istilah big dan charming
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