Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

tanah liat

English translation:


Added to glossary by Catherine Muir
Oct 7, 2011 00:42
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Indonesian term

tanah kat

Indonesian to English Bus/Financial Mining & Minerals / Gems kegiatan usaha pertambangan
A PT describes its business activities as 'pertambangan dan penggalian batuan tambang yaitu ... tanah kat ...." I realise that 'tanah kat' is Malay, not Indonesian, however I need the translation in the Indonesian mining context. Is it 'undeveloped' or 'broadacre' land?

Proposed translations

9 hrs


I suppose that there is a mistyping mistake in the context. It might be 'tanah liat' or clay.


Golongan bahan galian yang tidak termasuk golongan a atau b adalah: nitrat, pospat, garam batu (halite); asbes, talk, mika, grafit, magnesit; yarosit, leusit, tawas, oker; batu permata, batu setengah permata; pasir kwarsa, kaolin, felspar, gips, bentonit; batu apung, tras, obsidian, perlit, tanah diatome, tanah serap; marmer, batu tulis; batu kapur, dolomit, kalsit; granit, andesit, basal, trakhit, tanah liat dan pasir sepanjang tidak mengandung unsure-unsur golongan a maupun b dalam jumlah yang berarti ditinjau dari segi ekonomi pertambangan.

Kegiatan : Batuan Tambang, Tanah Liat, Granit dan Pasir

Pesatnya pembangunan prasarana dan industri di dalam negeri telah mendorong meningkatnya permintaan bahan galian golongan C seperti batu gamping, tanah liat, pasir kuarsa, belerang, kaolin dan kalsit.

b. Menjalankan usaha-usaha dibidang pertambangan, pertambangan nikel, batubara, timah dan logam, emas, perak, pasir besi dan bijih besi, dan bahan tambang serta mineral, penggalian batuan tambang, tanah liat, granit, gamping dan pasir, tambang non migas, tambang minyak dan gas alam, pengeboran, penyimpanan gas dan bahan bakar minyak, pendistribusian gas
dan bahan bakar minyak, penyimpanan gas dan bahan bakar minyak.

"Sebenarnya poles mobil dengan tanah liat (clay) sudah menjadi tren di Jepang dan Amerika," ungkap Public Relation dan Marketing Clay Autocare, Yoshua Surjo kepada detikOto, Sabtu (1/10/2011).

Komposisi keramik pada umumnya terdiri dari 3 : Tanah Liat (clay), Kwarsa (flint) dan feldsfar. Clay mengandung hidrated aluminum silica (Al2O3.SiO.
Note from asker:
You're right! I had a closer look at the document (a PDF that had been photocopied many times) and, sure enough, it is 'tanah liat'. So often, what we need is not a dictionary but another set of eyes. Thank you for being a lateral thinker. When the 24 hours is up, I will select your answer as most helpful!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Yes, it was a typo. Thank you. You are correct."
8 hrs

soil stripping

In coal mining, the coal layer may be covered by wha is called top soil. This soil should be stripped to get to the mineral.

I am not to sure what the company here is doing: either stripping the soil for the mining concession owner, or process stripped soil for something else, e.g. filling/heigtening land, making embankment, etc.

But I guess it is the first one.

The extraction of minerals will normally involve the stripping of soils. It is important that a soil survey has been undertaken to examine the soil profile and depth. The information gathered from this survey should inform the design of the quarry, in particular the soil stripping depths, phasing, storage and replacement.

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4 hrs

cut soil

Bahasa Malaysia biasa menyerap kata-kata dalam Bahasa Inggris sesuai pengucapannya.

Note added at 4 hrs (2011-10-07 05:02:51 GMT)

Sorry, cut soil is, I think, the meaning of 'tanah kat' in English.

So, it is probably similar 'tanah terkupas' atau 'tanah terpotong' in Bahasa Indonesia.

Note added at 21 hrs (2011-10-07 22:29:46 GMT)

Cut and fill soil are civil engineering terms. CUT = soil materials that are removed from an area of land, such as an excavation. FILL = soil materials that are added to an area of land, such as the placement of soil for an embankment or fill slope. So 'cut soil = kat soil = tanah galian'; 'fill soil = tanah timbunan'.
I'm 100% sure about this (relating to the context) because I'm a civil engineer too.
Note from asker:
'Cut soil' is not a term used in English, so I don't know what it means. I suspect 'tanah' means 'land' here and that 'cut land' might mean 'land clearing'. It's a big reach to come to that conclusion, but definitely 'cut soil' won't work.
Peer comment(s):

agree Arfan Achyar
1 day 21 hrs
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