Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

apabila disebandingkan dengan

English translation:

when compared to

Added to glossary by Catherine Muir
This question was closed without grading. Reason: Other
Jul 12, 2011 02:00
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Indonesian term

apabila disebandingkan dengan

Indonesian to English Other Geology mineral exploration
In English, there is a distinction between 'compare' and 'contrast'. To 'compare' is to examine similarities, while to 'contrast' is to examine differences.

In Indonesian, the word 'membandingkan' appears to cover both of these concepts. However, I suspect that 'menyebandingkan' conveys the concept of 'to compare', given the inclusion of '-se-', i.e., with emphasis on the similarities. Am I correct?

Specifically, in the sentence "Satuan ini, apabila disebandingkan dengan satuan yang sama yang tersingkap di pulau X, diperkirakan berumur Kapur Atas." would I be correct in translating 'apabila disebandingkan dengan' as 'when compared to' or a similar construction?

FYI: see the enlightening discussion at about the use of 'compared to' and 'compared with'.
Change log

Jul 12, 2011 04:23: Catherine Muir Created KOG entry


Catherine Muir (asker) Jul 12, 2011:
Thank you, Hipyan. I will close the question.
Hipyan Nopri Jul 12, 2011:
Yes, Your translation is correct.
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