Dec 3, 2012 14:08
12 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Indonesian term

Arus bakal

Indonesian to English Other Electronics / Elect Eng
Apa padanan yang sesuai untuk arus bakal? Terima kasih.
Proposed translations (English)
3 +2 Prospective [short circuit] current
3 Streaming potential


Tony Zhou (asker) Dec 3, 2012:
Berikut konteksnya: Arus bakal adalah arus yang akan mengalir dalam sirkit jika tiap-tiap kutub pemutus-tenaga digantikan oleh suatu penghantar yang impedansinya diabaikan.
Catherine Muir Dec 3, 2012:
Iya, Tony. Konteknya penting. Seperti dikatakan Pak Wiyanto.
Wiyanto Suroso Dec 3, 2012:
Adakah kalimat contohnya? Adakah kalimat contohnya? Apakah potongan kalimat dan memotongnya sudah tepat? Terima kasih.

Proposed translations

3 hrs

Prospective [short circuit] current

Prospective Short Circuit Current : The value of short-circuit current that would flow if the current-limiting device were replaced by a conductor of negligible impedance

The description matches the context and bakal can mean prospective. See link below for this document.
Peer comment(s):

agree Rosmeilan Siagian
11 hrs
agree Ferry Toar :
16 hrs
Thanks - a good backup reference
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks"
3 hrs

Streaming potential

Streaming potential has to be considered in design for flow of poorly conductive fluids (e.g., gasoline lines) because of the danger of buildup of high voltages.

The flow simulations have shown that, when the streaming potential induces significant flow impedance, a severe deviation from the linear assumption is observed.

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