Working languages:
English to Indonesian

Ferry Toar
Medical Instruments, Electronics, IT

Salatiga, Jawa Tengah (Djawa Tengah), Indonesia
Local time: 08:44 WIB (GMT+7)

Native in: Indonesian Native in Indonesian
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I specialize in biomedical engineering and related field. It is such a broad field. One needs to be humble when involved in this kind of multi-discipline field. For example, do not get in trouble by insisting that ROM stands for read only memory to an orthopedist. Or, the topic should not be about rescue if a telemedicine team talk about the SAR of the antenna. One needs to be sure about who talks about what to whom.

My working knowledge on electronics design, which includes PC-based systems and embedded systems will benefit you. First, because it means I do not need extra effort in understanding the internal working of modern devices. Second, because my experience in teaching these subjects has equipped me with a wide perspective that lets me choose the appropriate wording to match your target reader.

About Translation

Information about rate in an introduction letter is just an indicator. Because it does not guarantee an ability to do a translation job. One can only translate if one can understand the material. So it is:

  1. An absolute requirement for a translator to skim the source material, in whole or adequate sample, prior to agreement.
  2. An absolute requirement for a translator to read the whole source material, before she/he starts translating it.

Components of my standard translation process, which started after a translation project is agreed or a PO is received:
  1. Read the source file as a whole to grab the context
  2. Acquire supporting materials
  3. If it is a lengthy source text, arrange the translation order to support consistencies
  4. Translate (1500-2500 words per day)
  5. Verify consistencies (2000-3000 words per hour)
  6. Spell check
  7. Final check + Reread the target file (in a final format, if possible) as a whole (1000-1500 words per hour).

So the daily working capacity, e.g. 2000 words/day, does not represent the real translation process. Using it as a divider for the wordcount, to have the amount of time required to translate will only produce point 4 above, the theoretical work time. It will only apply for low wordcount. The higher the wordcount, the larger the discrepancy.

To err is human. After translation submission, I am available to give a post layout proofreading and also to implement a translation update if needed by a quality assurance process. I guarantee that I will help 100% on your QA process, up to 30 days after the invoice. Ofcourse I will still help after that, but let's be reasonable.


Well, this is just a short introduction. Feel free to contact me through the ProZ messaging system, or directly to ferry_toar AT Thank you for dropping by!

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Total pts earned: 247
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Top languages (PRO)
English to Indonesian235
Indonesian to English12
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Social Sciences16
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Electronics / Elect Eng23
Mechanics / Mech Engineering22
Internet, e-Commerce20
Cinema, Film, TV, Drama16
Computers (general)16
Tourism & Travel14
Ships, Sailing, Maritime12
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Keywords: Bahasa Indonesia, English to Indonesian, translation, penerjemah, terjemahan, engineering, teknik, technical, electronics, elektronika. See more.Bahasa Indonesia, English to Indonesian, translation, penerjemah, terjemahan, engineering, teknik, technical, electronics, elektronika, electrical, listrik, elektro, embedded systems, biomedical, biomedika, medical instruments, instrumen kedokteran, medical electronics, elektronika medis, elektromedis, rehabilitation engineering, teknik rehabilitasi, assistive technology, human factor, computer, komputer, hardware, perangkat keras, software, perangkat lunak, firmware, programming, user interface, education, pendidikan, brochure, brosur, application notes, catatan aplikasi, product specifications, spesifikasi produk, user manual, user guide, panduan pengguna, quick start, tech specs, operating instructions, petunjuk pengoperasian, information technology, teknologi informasi, communication, komunikasi. See less.

Profile last updated
Feb 27

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