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English to Indonesian: Battery Monitor (Electronics magazine article) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Electronics / Elect Eng
Source text - English Help! My laptop is on fire! I recall a comedy sketch I saw years ago on Saturday Night Live called “Happy Fun Ball.” It was an advertisement for a child’s toy that had every conceivable negative side effect from warts to hair loss. The funny (or sad) thing is that like many of the pharmaceutical advertisements we see today, the side effects often seem to outweigh the relief they claim to provide. So what gives with a battery technology responsible for arson?
Come on, get real. We’re asking for lighter, longer-lasting (higher-power) batteries capable of running our portables longer on a charge. We got it. Along with this super power comes the possibility of using it for evil, even if by accident. Some early laptops had a design flaw that caused a short circuit to the lithium-ion battery pack. Without internal protection circuitry to prevent high temperatures from occurring, Li-Ion cells can fail. Thermal runaway is responsible for most high-visibility failures (as you can see in some YouTube videos). All Li-Ion battery packs now contain smart circuitry to open up the current path should temperatures exceed predetermined limits.
Thermal runaway occurs once a cell exceeds the unstable temperature of approximately 150°F (cobalt chemistries). How the temperature ever reaches this level is the key. This can come from the lack of internal protection circuitry, the failure of such circuitry, or manufacturing defects. Should internal protection circuitry fail undetected, requesting high current levels will generate a rise in temperature that could lead to thermal runaway. Although battery manufacturers strive to minimize the presence of metallic particles in their manufacturing process, complex assembly techniques make the elimination of all metallic dust nearly impossible and can lead to internal shorts that (if sufficient) can elevate temperatures again and lead to thermal runaway. When thermal runaway occurs in a cell, other cells in the battery pack (those in close proximity) will be affected by the localized heat source.
Translation - Indonesian Tolong! Laptopku terbakar! Saya teringat sketsa komedi yang saya saksikan beberapa tahun lalu pada Saturday Night Live berjudul "Happy Fun Ball." Ada suatu iklan permainan anak-anak yang memiliki semua efek negatif mulai dari kapalan hingga kerontokan rambut. Hal yang lucu (atau sedih) adalah bahwa seperti banyak iklan farmasi yang kita lihat hari ini, efek sampingnya sering melampaui kelegaan yang mereka janjikan. Jadi apa yang menyebabkan suatu teknologi baterai bertanggung jawab atas kebakaran?
Ayolah, yang benar saja. Kita mengharapkan baterai yang lebih ringan, tahan lama (mempunyai daya tinggi) yang mampu menjalankan berbagai peralatan portable kita lebih lama setelah sekali pengisian. Kini kita memilikinya. Bersama dengan tenaga super ini hadir kemungkinan menggunakannya untuk kejahatan, bahkan secara tidak sengaja. Beberapa laptop terdahulu mempunyai cacat dalam rancangannya yang menyebabkan hubung-singkat pada kemasan baterai Lithium-Ion. Tanpa rangkaian proteksi internal untuk mencegah timbulnya suhu tinggi, sel-sel Li-Ion bisa rusak. Panas yang berlebihan bertanggung jawab atas kegagalan yang umum terlihat jelas (seperti yang dapat disaksikan pada beberapa video Youtube). Semua kemasan baterai Li-Ion kini disertai rangkaian cerdas untuk memutuskan jalur arus jika suhu melampaui batas yang telah ditentukan.
Panas berlebihan akan muncul seketika suatu sel melampaui suhu tak stabil sekitar 150°F (sifat kimiawi cobalt). Kuncinya adalah mengetahui bagaimana suhu dapat setinggi ini. Hal ini bisa terjadi akibat tidak adanya rangkaian proteksi internal, kegagalan rangkaian tersebut, atau cacat produksi. Seandainya rangkaian proteksi internal gagal berfungsi tanpa terdeteksi, permintaan arus yang tinggi akan menimbulkan kenaikan suhu yang dapat menyebabkan panas tak terkendali. Walaupun pabrik baterai berusaha mengurangi adanya partikel logam dalam proses produksi mereka, namun teknik perakitan yang rumit membuat hampir tidak mungkin menghilangkan semua debu logam dan dapat menjadi penyebab hubung-singkat internal yang (jika mencukupi) dapat meningkatkan suhu lagi dan mengakibatkan panas yang berlebihan. Jika panas yang berlebihan muncul pada suatu sel, sel-sel lain di dalam kemasan (yang berada sangat dekat) akan terpengaruh oleh sumber panas yang terlokalisir ini.
English to Indonesian: Plasmapheresis (Edwin C. Whitehead) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Medical: Instruments
Source text - English In the early 1940s, I read a provocative article by Arthur Wright, professor of surgery at New York University. Dr. Wright observed that by removing the plasma from a blood donation and then reinfusing red blood cells in the donor, one could bleed the donor twice a week instead of once every 7 weeks.
At the time, Technicon Corporation was doing some work with William Aaronson, who was a pathologist at Morrisania Hospital in New York and also had a private laboratory. He and I discussed Wright's article and decided that the process would be practical only if it were automated. Otherwise, taking a blood donation, separating the cells from the plasma, and reinfusing the red blood cells in the donor would be too laborious.
This was during World War II, and every newspaper and advertisement called for donations of plasma, which was sorely needed by the military. Dr. Aaronson and I reasoned that, since most of the soldiers in the United States were young and healthy, bleeding soldiers twice a week might be a better way of obtaining plasma than depending on donations from the civilian population. If we could make a small, portable, rugged, relatively inexpensive device to automate the process described by Wright, the military and the Red Cross should have great need for it.
Aaronson and I experimented to determine the most efficient way to separate blood and plasma. The design we finally settled on was a cone-shaped container with radially extending blades that divided the container into separate compartments. Blood was drawn from the donor through a needle and injected directly into the center of the spinning container. Red cells were packed by centrifugal force at the outer edges of the container and plasma formed a layer closer to the center. We started removing plasma as soon as we had drawn 100 ml of blood. By the time the 400-ml blood donation was drawn, the plasma had been removed into a plastic bag. Saline solution was then added to the donor's red blood cells and the cells were fed back to the donor by gravity through the same needle used to draw the blood.
Translation - Indonesian Di awal 1940, saya membaca sebuah artikel provokatif yang ditulis oleh Arthur Wright, profesor bedah di New York Unversity. Dr. Wright mengamati bahwa dengan mengambil plasma dari darah donasi dan mengembalikan sel-sel darah merah kembali ke donor, maka darah dapat diambil dari donor dua kali seminggu dan bukannya tiap 7 minggu.
Pada saat itu, Technicon Corporation sedang melakukan sedikit pekerjaan dengan William Aaronson, seorang spesialis patologi di Rumah sakit Morrisania di New York yang juga mempunyai sebuah laboratorium pribadi. Ia dan saya membicarakan artikel tulisan Wright dan memutuskan bahwa proses tersebut praktis digunakan hanya jika dilakukan secara otomatis. Jika tidak, maka mengambil darah donasi, memisahkan sel-sel dari plasmanya, dan menginfuskan kembali sel-sel darah merah kembali ke donor akan terlalu merepotkan.
Saat itu Perang Dunia II sedang berlangsung, dan tiap koran dan iklan meminta donasi plasma, yang sangat dibutuhkan oleh militer. Dr. Aaronson dan saya memikirkan bahwa, karena pada umumnya tentara Amerika masih muda dan sehat, maka meminta mereka menjadi donor dua kali seminggu merupakan cara yang lebih baik untuk memperoleh plasma daripada bergantung pada donasi dari penduduk sipil. Jika kami dapat membuat sebuah alat yang kecil, portabel, kokoh, dan relatif murah untuk mengotomasi proses yang digambarkan oleh Wright, pasti pihak militer dan Palang Merah sangat membutuhkannya.
Aaronson dan saya melakukan percobaan untuk menentukan cara paling efisien untuk memisahkan darah dan plasma. Rancangan yang akhirnya kami selesaikan berupa wadah berbentuk kerucut dengan bilah-bilah yang memanjang seacara radial yang memisahkan wadah menjadi beberapa ruang. Darah diambil dari donor melalui jarum dan disuntikkan langsung ke pusat wadah yang berputar. Sel-sel darah merah terkumpul di tepi luar dari wadah oleh gaya sentrifugal dan plasma membentuk suatu lapisan yang lebih dekat ke pusat. Kami mulai mengambil plasma segera setelah kami memperoleh 100 ml darah. Di saat 400 ml darah donasi telah diperoleh, plasma telah dipindahkan ke dalam kemasan plastik. Cairan saline lalu ditambahkan pada sel-sel darah merah donor dan sel-sel tersebut dikembalikan ke donor dengan gaya gravitasi melalui jarum yang sebelumnya digunakan untuk mengambil darah.
English to Indonesian: A Note to Instructor (Lab Instrument Manual) General field: Tech/Engineering Detailed field: Education / Pedagogy
Source text - English A note to Instructors
The AAAA Student Lab System was designed with ease of use as its main goal. We have tried to design a system that lets the student concentrate on the Physiology and not the interconnections of the hardware or the calibration of the transducers. We have also tried to design the system to be “student proof” so that students could not “mess up” recording parameters or transducer calibration. Although we have achieved much along these lines, there are still things you must know and pay attention to for the system to work effectively.
The following are a few important points to keep in mind when working with the AAAA Student Lab:
1.The software automatically saves the data files under a file name the student enters at the start of each lesson. The user should not change these file names. The software expects to see the files and folders within the “AAAA Student Lab” folder. Never rename these files and folders, or move any files or folders out of the AAAA Student Lab folder. The one exception is that the student’s data and journal files contained in the “Data Files” folder can be copied, moved and/or deleted. The entire folder should be moved rather than individual files. It is also a good idea to keep any other files or folders out of the “AAAA Student Lab” folder.
2.Before students can run a lesson, they must know how to operate the computer the lab is using. To be sure, they should know how to use the mouse to click, select, drag, and pull down menus and how to locate files. If they do not know these basics, then they should be allowed some time to learn it. Most computers come with “guided tour” software, a tutorial, and/or a Users Manual, and students should use these references to learn the computer basics.
3.At the very least, students should read the AAAA Student Lab Basics section of this manual for a basic understanding of how the AAAA Student Lab works. The small amount of time they spend reading this section will save time and frustration when running the lessons and will help ensure that useful data is collected.
Translation - Indonesian Catatan bagi Instruktur
Sistem AAAA Student Lab dirancang dengan kemudahan penggunaan sebagai tujuan utamanya. Kami telah merancang suatu sistem yang memungkinkan mahasiswa berkonsentrasi pada sisi Fisiologi dan bukan pada interkoneksi perangkat kerasnya atau pada kalibrasi berbagai transduser. Kami juga telah mengusahakan agar sistem ini "aman dari mahasiswa" sehingga mahasiswa tidak dapat "mengacaukan" berbagai parameter perekaman atau kalibrasi transduser. Walaupun dalam usaha ini telah banyak yang kami capai, tetap ada hal-hal yang harus anda ketahui dan perhatikan agar sistem ini dapat bekerja dengan efektif.
Berikut ini adalah beberapa hal penting yang perlu diingat ketika menggunakan AAAA Student Lab:
1.Perangkat lunak secara otomatis menyimpan file data dengan nama file yang dimasukkan oleh mahasiswa di awal setiap pelajaran. Pemakai tidak boleh mengubah nama-nama file ini. Perangkat lunak akan mencari berbagai file dan folder ini di dalam folder "AAAA Student Lab". Jangan pernah mengubah nama berbagai file dan folder, atau memindahkan file atau folder manapun keluar dari folder AAAA Student Lab. Satu perkecualian adalah bahwa file data dan jurnal mahasiswa yang terletak di folder "Data Files" dapat dikopi, dipindahkan, dan/atau dihapus. Jika hendak memindahkan, seluruh folder harus dipindahkan dan bukan hanya file yang ada di dalamnya. Sebaiknya tidak menambahkan file atau folder apapun ke dalam folder "AAAA Student Lab".
2.Sebelum mahasiswa mengerjakan pelajaran tertentu, mereka harus tahu cara mengoperasikan komputer yang digunakan di lab. Pastinya, mereka harus tahu cara menggunakan mouse untuk melakukan click, select, drag, dan membuka menu serta cara mencari berbagai file. Jika mereka tidak tahu hal-hal dasar ini, maka mereka perlu diberi waktu untuk mempelajarinya. Pada umumnya komputer mempunyai perangkat lunak "guided tour", tutorial, dan/atau Panduan untuk Pemakai, dan mahasiswa harus menggunakan berbagai referensi ini untuk mempelajari hal-hal dasar mengenai komputer.
3.Setidaknya, mahasiswa perlu membaca bagian "AAAA Student Lab Basics" dalam panduan ini agar memperoleh pemahaman dasar mengenai cara AAAA Student Lab bekerja. Sedikit waktu yang mereka luangkan untuk membaca bagian ini akan menghemat waktu dan frustrasi ketika menyelesaikan berbagai pelajaran dan membantu memastikan diperolehnya data yang berguna.
I specialize in biomedical engineering and related field. It is such a broad field. One needs to be humble when involved in this kind of multi-discipline field. For example, do not get in trouble by insisting that ROM stands for read only memory to an orthopedist. Or, the topic should not be about rescue if a telemedicine team talk about the SAR of the antenna. One needs to be sure about who talks about what to whom.
My working knowledge on electronics design, which includes PC-based systems and embedded systems will benefit you. First, because it means I do not need extra effort in understanding the internal working of modern devices. Second, because my experience in teaching these subjects has equipped me with a wide perspective that lets me choose the appropriate wording to match your target reader.
About Translation
Information about rate in an introduction letter is just an indicator. Because it does not guarantee an ability to do a translation job. One can only translate if one can understand the material. So it is:
An absolute requirement for a translator to skim the source material, in whole or adequate sample, prior to agreement.
An absolute requirement for a translator to read the whole source material, before she/he starts translating it.
Components of my standard translation process, which started after a translation project is agreed or a PO is received:
Read the source file as a whole to grab the context
Acquire supporting materials
If it is a lengthy source text, arrange the translation order to support consistencies
Translate (1500-2500 words per day)
Verify consistencies (2000-3000 words per hour)
Spell check
Final check + Reread the target file (in a final format, if possible) as a whole (1000-1500 words per hour).
So the daily working capacity, e.g. 2000 words/day, does not represent the real translation process. Using it as a divider for the wordcount, to have the amount of time required to translate will only produce point 4 above, the theoretical work time. It will only apply for low wordcount. The higher the wordcount, the larger the discrepancy.
To err is human. After translation submission, I am available to give a post layout proofreading and also to implement a translation update if needed by a quality assurance process. I guarantee that I will help 100% on your QA process, up to 30 days after the invoice. Ofcourse I will still help after that, but let's be reasonable.
Well, this is just a short introduction. Feel free to contact me through the ProZ messaging system, or directly to ferry_toar AT Thank you for dropping by!
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Keywords: Bahasa Indonesia, English to Indonesian, translation, penerjemah, terjemahan, engineering, teknik, technical, electronics, elektronika. See more.Bahasa Indonesia, English to Indonesian, translation, penerjemah, terjemahan, engineering, teknik, technical, electronics, elektronika, electrical, listrik, elektro, embedded systems, biomedical, biomedika, medical instruments, instrumen kedokteran, medical electronics, elektronika medis, elektromedis, rehabilitation engineering, teknik rehabilitasi, assistive technology, human factor, computer, komputer, hardware, perangkat keras, software, perangkat lunak, firmware, programming, user interface, education, pendidikan, brochure, brosur, application notes, catatan aplikasi, product specifications, spesifikasi produk, user manual, user guide, panduan pengguna, quick start, tech specs, operating instructions, petunjuk pengoperasian, information technology, teknologi informasi, communication, komunikasi. See less.
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