Glossary entry

Indonesian term or phrase:

Nahwu & Sharf, Mahfudzat, dan Balaghoh

English translation:

morphology, proverbs and rhetoric

Added to glossary by Setia Bangun
Jun 22, 2017 08:44
7 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Indonesian term

Nahwu & Sharf, Mahfudzat, dan Balaghoh

Indonesian to English Social Sciences Education / Pedagogy Nama mata pelajaran.
Nama mata pelajaran di Sekolah Pondok setara Aliyah Ngeri.
Proposed translations (English)
2 morphology, proverbs and rhetoric

Proposed translations

45 mins

morphology, proverbs and rhetoric

see links
Peer comment(s):

neutral D. I. Verrelli : Is "morphology" the best term to use here? How about "form" or something else?
18 days
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Terima kasih"
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