Glossary entry

Hungarian term or phrase:

mennyiségileg értékelhető szint alatt

English translation:

BQL (below the quantifiable level)

Added to glossary by Gabor Kun
Aug 9, 2005 16:14
19 yrs ago
Hungarian term

Ha a vérszint a mennyiségileg értékelhető szint alatt van

Hungarian to English Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals
This phrase from a pharmaceutical leaflet is challenging me!

Discussion Aug 10, 2005:
Opted for "below the quantifiable level". Many thanks for all the comments, sorry I took a while to come back, deadlines and all that!

Proposed translations

7 mins
Hungarian term (edited): ia a v�rszint a mennyis�gileg �rt�kelhet� szint alatt van

if the blood level is below the measurable(?) level

Please provide with more context.
What are you going to do wit this blood...
Peer comment(s):

agree Elvira Stoianov : detectable ;)
27 mins
thanks :)
neutral Andras Mohay (X) : Vajon "BQL"-re (below quantitative limit[s] / below [the] quantifiable level) gondolnak?
46 mins
Seems a right guess: below the limit of quantification, below the quantification limit, below the quantifiable limit, Below Quantitation Limit, below quantification level, below the limit of quantitation, etc.
agree Istvan Nagy
2 days 2 hrs
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks Gabor for getting me onto the right track"
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