Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Hungarian term or phrase:
jóváhagyó közlemény
English translation:
endorsement notice
Added to glossary by
Feb 14, 2005 10:46
20 yrs ago
Hungarian term
jóváhagyó közlemény(es bevezetés)
Hungarian to English
Engineering: Industrial
Európai szabvány bevezetése nemzeti szabványként. A fogalom tiszta, az angol megfelelőre lenne szükség.
Proposed translations
5 | Endorsement notice |
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3 | transposition by endorsement notice |
Monica Sandor
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Proposed translations
2 hrs
Hungarian term (edited):
j�v�hagy� k�zlem�ny(es bevezet�s)
Endorsement notice
A Szabványtörvény M2.5. mellékletéről van szó.
Hamarjában ezt a lapot találtam, de jó, mert a magyar és angol szöveg egymás mellett van.
Hamarjában ezt a lapot találtam, de jó, mert a magyar és angol szöveg egymás mellett van.
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Kimondottan szabvány bevezetéséről van szó. Köszönöm a válaszokat :)"
4 hrs
Hungarian term (edited):
j�v�hagy� k�zlem�ny(es bevezet�s)
transposition by endorsement notice
Altalában egy ország "transposes" "incorporates" vagy "implements a European directive into domestic law". Igy egy brit jogi honlap:
"EC Directives do not automatically become part of the domestic law of each member state of the European Union. Rather, they require member states to *implement* them by enacting appropriate legislation. The implementing measures may vary from one member state to another."
Vagy: "the Commission assesses the situation regarding the transposition of the directive in the Member States, the method of transposition..." (
Vagy: "All Member States confirmed that they have provided the Commission with details of the current laws and regulations in force to incorporate Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste into national legislation" (
Viszont 'endorsement notice'-t is használjak egy bizonyos fajta jóváhagyásra,ahol még teljes "transposition"-ra nem került sor: "The 2002 report notes that Malta completed the transposition of all current European harmonised standards by using the *endorsement notice* method. The 2003 report states that Malta has *transposed* all sectoral legislation coming under the New Approach, except the legislation..." (
És Magyarországgal kapcsolatban: "A special means of transposition is the endorsement notice, which is employed in special fields where national standards committees have not been formed (signalling lack of interest). It is also employed where the circle of users is limited, standards are subject to frequent change, and use of the English language causes no difficulties ( e.g. in telecommunications)." (
Tehát azt kellene itt tudni, hogy erre a bizonyos módszerre hivatkoznak-e, vagy általában egy Europai rendelkezés bevezetésére.
"EC Directives do not automatically become part of the domestic law of each member state of the European Union. Rather, they require member states to *implement* them by enacting appropriate legislation. The implementing measures may vary from one member state to another."
Vagy: "the Commission assesses the situation regarding the transposition of the directive in the Member States, the method of transposition..." (
Vagy: "All Member States confirmed that they have provided the Commission with details of the current laws and regulations in force to incorporate Directive 91/689/EEC on hazardous waste and Council Decision 94/904/EC establishing a list of hazardous waste into national legislation" (
Viszont 'endorsement notice'-t is használjak egy bizonyos fajta jóváhagyásra,ahol még teljes "transposition"-ra nem került sor: "The 2002 report notes that Malta completed the transposition of all current European harmonised standards by using the *endorsement notice* method. The 2003 report states that Malta has *transposed* all sectoral legislation coming under the New Approach, except the legislation..." (
És Magyarországgal kapcsolatban: "A special means of transposition is the endorsement notice, which is employed in special fields where national standards committees have not been formed (signalling lack of interest). It is also employed where the circle of users is limited, standards are subject to frequent change, and use of the English language causes no difficulties ( e.g. in telecommunications)." (
Tehát azt kellene itt tudni, hogy erre a bizonyos módszerre hivatkoznak-e, vagy általában egy Europai rendelkezés bevezetésére.
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