Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

juge administratif

English translation:

administrative judge

Added to glossary by Roddy Stegemann
May 28, 2006 18:37
18 yrs ago
20 viewers *
French term

Le juge administratif peut connaître

French to English Law/Patents Law (general) Droit et justice en Europe
Dear all,

I cannot make sense at all of the part between stars and any help would be appreciated. I am not expecting a translation of so much but help in understanding it so I can get it right. Many thanks.

*Ce même recours est également possible contre les actes administratifs à caractère réglementaire.
Le juge administratif peut connaître, comme juge du fond des recours en réformation dont des lois spéciales lui attribuent connaissance. **Dans le cadre de ce recours, le juge administratif substitue sa décision à celle de l’administration.
Le juge administratif n’est pas compétent pour connaître des litiges découlant des contrats de droit public, y compris les demandes de dommages-intérêts, les demandes tendant à obtenir une réparation en nature ou une réparation des suites préjudiciables d'un acte administratif illégal, ainsi que pour les droits à la compensation issus de troubles de droit à la propriété, y compris la fixation de l’indemnité en cas d’expropriation, tous ces incidents étant du ressort du juge civil.
Change log

May 28, 2006 18:50: Anna Quail changed "Language pair" from "French to English" to "English"

May 28, 2006 18:51: Anna Quail changed "Language pair" from "English" to "French to English"

May 29, 2006 16:52: Gayle Wallimann changed "Term asked" from "Le juge administratif peut connaître....(from ** to *, impossible to make sense " to "Le juge administratif peut connaître"

Proposed translations

3 hrs
French term (edited): * . . . **

Please see suggested translation and interpretation below.

Translation: This same remedy can be applied against regulatory action take by the administration. By special law the administrative judge is qualified to adjudicate regarding questions of administrative review.

Interpretation: Though the same legal remedy can work against the administration for having made whatever decision it took; with regard to the review process itself, the adjudicative powers of the administrative judge are limited to those of procedural matters. In other words, he/she cannot decide on matters of substance, only on those of procedure.

Key words:
- juge du fond des recours en réformations -- judicial officer placed in charge of deciding procedural matters regarding an appeal or review process
- juge administratif -- a judicial officer placed in charge of deciding matters regarding administrative action taking on the part of government.
- connaître - is qualified to adjudicate with regard to the stated matter.
- acte administratif à caractère réglementaire -- administrative act of a regulatory nature.

Qualifications: A general understanding of the law based on personal experience before several courts of law in Hong Kong including the High Court, and a basic understanding of French language and culture.

Note added at 7 hrs (2006-05-29 02:02:56 GMT)

Correction for 2nd vocabulary item: "administrative action taking" should read 'administrative action taken"

Note added at 12 hrs (2006-05-29 07:09:00 GMT)

This is from GDT and may prove helpful. Your context will be your best guide, however.

Domaine(s) :
- droit
fond n. m.

Définition :
Ce qui fait la matière du procès par opposition à la procédure, aux formes procédurales.
Peer comment(s):

neutral Rafael Wugalter (X) : Judicial review of administrative action is not a procedural remedy; it is substantive. The judge IS ruling on the merits. But she can only uphold or "réformer" (reverse in whole or in part; see Lexique term jur 13th ed Dalloz). Can't grant civil remedies
3 hrs
Thank you for your comment, but this is a juge DU fond des recours en réformation. I am not at all certain that they are the same! / What you have written is also reasonable. Simply, whichever translation is chosen, the translation remains the same!
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thank you to all for precious help but here I have some useful terms for the rest of the 84 000 words. I would be grateful if no one argues with my decision. It is very busy here."
7 mins
French term (edited): Le juge administratif peut connaître....(from ** to *, impossible to make sense

see explanation below

This same redress or remedy is also possible for the consequences of administrative actions arising from application of regulations or laws. The administrative judge has the specific authority to take an action the context of an appeal of some administrative decision which has implacted someone and this in areas where some law has given him standing to do so. When it is appealed thereby to him, his decision overrides the administrative action.
So it is all about the power of the administrative judge to overrule and countermand an administrative action.
Does that help ?
Peer comment(s):

neutral Rafael Wugalter (X) : The document is about what an administrative judge can do and what he or she cannot. The judge's substantive jurisdiction is limited; she can only do what a special law allows: generally, to quash decision and render the one that should have been...
6 hrs
Something went wrong...
16 hrs
French term (edited): Le juge administratif peut connaître....(from ** to *, impossible to make sense

An administrative judge has the jurisdiction to entertain ...

The same remedy is available against regulatory administrative action. An administrative judge has jurisdiction to rule on the merits of judicial review matters where special legislation has granted him such jurisdiction. (But he doesn't have jurisdiction to grant civil remedies. He can only quash -- réformer -- the administrative decision in whole or in part. A little addition by me: In many countries, administrative judges are said to apply something called a "standard of review"; for example, they might only reverse the admin decision if it was "patently unreasonable." If so, they might well uphold the decision even if they disagree with it. The SOR that will be applied depends on the legislation, the type of decision rendered etc. The judge might apply a less stringent standard, e.g. "correctness". I studied the administrative law of Quebec and Canada but there was some comparative int'l law too.
Something went wrong...
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