Feb 8, 2012 19:26
12 yrs ago
1 viewer *
French term

en régime nominal

French to English Bus/Financial Accounting
This is from a price schedule within the Specifications for a call for tenders. The tender is for a "Consultancy Contract" covering cleaning and maintenance consultancy.

The text in question comes under the heading "Ressources mises en oeuvre par le Prestataire pour mener à bien l’entièreté des prestations du Poste 1.

Poste 1 (Sub-lot 1) of the contract involves the audit and monitoring of Cleaning and Maintenance services performed under an existing contract.

The headings for the human resources are:

"Chef de Projet - en régime nominal
Ingénieur Conseil - en régime nominal
Technicien - en régime nominal
Secrétaire/Assistant - en régime nominal".

The tender is asked to submit a minimum number of hours and pricing for each.

There are no other references to the word "nominal" elsewhere in the document.


rkillings Feb 13, 2012:
These consultants are going to be spending more time billable to the customer when the services are being set up and less time later, during the phase of routine operation. The customer wants to know the ongoing cost of their involvement.
Lesley Sawyer (asker) Feb 9, 2012:
Whoops, I've just noticed that a distinction is made between the first three months of the contract when the service provider is required to set up certain resources and the services provided "en régime nominal", which is presumably the rest of the contract. This is obviously highly relevant - I still don't know how to translate "en régime nominal" though.

Proposed translations

14 hrs

rated performance in man-days/ working hours

after checking linguee, these are my suggestions... but it's the first time I have seen "régime nominal" referring to positions.
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23 hrs

to be individually contracted

I think "nominal" means the consultants will apply and be selected for their respective positions individually (and each can be fired if their individual performances fall short of their terms of reference)

Note added at 1 day18 mins (2012-02-09 19:44:49 GMT)

Your discussion entry casts a new light on the problem. It then probably means something like "the period of formal contractual service"/ "formal period of service", etc.
Peer comment(s):

agree Jennifer Forbes : I think this is more likely - perhaps "appointed by name"?
11 hrs
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