Glossary entry

Finnish term or phrase:

määräaikainen työsuhde

English translation:

fixed-term contract

Added to glossary by Jonathan Widell
Sep 21, 2005 18:57
19 yrs ago
Finnish term

määräaikainen työsuhde

Finnish to English Other Human Resources
"määräikaista työsuhdetta ei ole enää jatkettu"

temporary work relationship?

Proposed translations

1 hr
Finnish term (edited): m��r�aikainen ty�suhde

fixed-term contract

You can also say fixed-term employment contract (if there is a need to specify it). I feel that although in Finnish it ends with "suhde" (relationship), it does not flow that well if it is directly translated. I also looked it up on the Careers pages of Zurich Financial Services ( in the UK and it has been done as "Fixed-Term Contract" on there.

Note added at 1 hr 16 mins (2005-09-21 20:14:00 GMT)

Further to above: in your sentence it sounds better if it is translated as "(his) temporary employment contract was not renewed..."

My main point is the use of the word "relationship".
Peer comment(s):

agree Annira Silver (X)
52 mins
agree Spencer Allman
1 day 9 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I think this works perfectly in every single instance in the text. Thanks a lot!"
8 mins
Finnish term (edited): m��r�aikainen ty�suhde

temporary employment relationship

temporary or fixed-term, if the period is specified.
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