Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

cumberers of the ground

Spanish translation:

estorbos sobre la tierra

Added to glossary by Caro Friszman
Jul 5, 2005 17:05
19 yrs ago
English term

no better than mere cumberers of the ground

English to Spanish Art/Literary Religion 19th century text
Nothing is more useful to those who profess to be Christians than to see a real live Christian, a thoroughly zealous man of God. They may rail at him-they may carp at him,-they may pick holes in his conduct,-they may look shy upon him,-they may not understand him any more than men understand a new comet when a new comet appears; but insensibly a zealous man does them good. He opens their eyes. He makes them feel their own sleepiness. He makes their own great darkness visible. He obliges them to see their own barrenness. He compels them to think, whether they like it or not-"What are we doing? Are we not no better than mere cumberers of the ground?"

Proposed translations

7 mins

somos acaso tan solo estorbos de la tierra?

No es más que una sugerencia (uy, se me pegó el estilo arcaico :)... espero que sirva.

Note added at 8 mins (2005-07-05 17:13:38 GMT)

Y sería bueno también abrir ese signo de interrogación, ya que lo cerramos... No es mi día.
Peer comment(s):

agree George Rabel : me gusta, pero quizá sería bueno poner "sobre la tierra". De paso, Dios me libre de estos "real live Christians"!
4 mins
Totalmente, George, me gusta tu aporte. Y de acuerdo con tu apreciación!
agree JaneTranslates : Yes, I think this says it best. And George, there´s more than one kind of "real live Christian"! Some of the loudest ranters have no depth; I hope and believe the author isn´t referring to that kind.
39 mins
Thanks a lot, Jane!
agree milliecoquis : agree
56 mins
Muchas gracias, milliecoquis!
agree Gabo Pena : con George~ Christians are the worst thing about Christianity- (except when you mix them with Moros, y platanos a punetazo, yuca con mojo criollo...entonces si que estan en todas!
4 hrs
Muchas gracias, Bo... me gusta el idioma híbrido de tu comentario : )
agree Anabel Martínez : coincido, sobre la tierra
15 hrs
Muchas gracias, Anabel!
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Gracias otra vez, Caro."
7 mins
English term (edited): Are we not no better than mere cumberers of the ground?

¿Es que no servimos más que para ocupar espacio sobre la tierra?

Hope it helps!
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16 mins

¿Acaso somos simplemente habitantes de la tierra?

Note added at 17 mins (2005-07-05 17:22:23 GMT)

Puedes usar el término habitantes o pobladodres
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2 hrs

No somos más que polvo

Bíblicamente se habla de que el hombre no es más que polvo y ceniza.
Siempre he escuchado esa metáfora para referirse a la condición efímera, limitada, precaria de la existencia del hombre:

"Te ganarás el pan con el sudor de tu frente,
hasta que vuelvas a la misma tierra de la cual fuiste sacado

Porque polvo eres,y al polvo volverás" Génesis 3:19

"Abraham le dijo (al Señor): Reconozco que he sido muy atrevido al dirigirme a mi Señor, yo, que apenas soy polvo y ceniza" Génesis 18:27
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2 days 23 hrs
English term (edited): cumberers of the ground

parásitos de la tierra

Caracol Noticias - Impresión Noticia - [ Translate this page ]
... "Me da pena decirles que están enfermos y que se han vuelto parásitos de la Tierra: chupan su sangre, el petróleo, y sus humos se mezclan con las nubes y ... formato_de_impresion.asp?idnoticia=53209 - 7k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

La Rebelión de los Otros - [ Translate this page ]
... Parásitos de la tierra, nos aferramos a sus ubres que, generosas, siguen dándonos los néctares que nos embriagan, obnubilan, y hacemos de sus fuentes ... - 14k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

CAPÍTULO III - [ Translate this page ]
Por eso es un grave error y además una injusticia de funestas consecuencias, suponer que el obrero vive como un parásito de la tierra o del capital ajeno, ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

La Haine (Proyecto de Desobediencia Informativa ... - [ Translate this page ]
... en esto no tengo mucha esperanza, porque todos pensareis que tendríamos que reventar por esa concepción maniquea de ser un parásito de la Tierra-. ... - 428k - Cached - Similar pages

Having cleared the way by the removal of the old institutions, which, in David’s
opinion, were but cumberers of the ground, the King addressed himself to ... - 28k - Cached - Similar pages

Wicked Men Useful in Their Destruction Only
Men who bring forth no fruit to God are cumberers of the ground. ... What mere
cumberers of the ground will you be! Agreeably to Luke 13:7. ... sermons/Warnings/Destruction.htm - 49k - Cached - Similar pages

Luke chapter 13
But if they are destitute of the fruits of the Spirit, they are reckoned useless
cumberers of the ground. Except they repent, they will be cut down. ... - 48k - Cached - Similar pages

Men who bring forth no fruit to God are cumberers of the ground. ... Hell,
therefore, if you remain unfruitful and cumberers of the ground, ... - 55k - Cached - Similar pages

Chapter 12: Baptist Churches Conservers and Propagators of the Truth
They are cumberers of the ground and ought to die and get out of the way of
churches that will be real bases of supplies for the truth. ... H.%20Boyce%20Taylor/why_12.htm - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Pufendorf: On the Common Duties of Humanity
9 So also those who, like swine, cheer no one except by their death; and other
such cumberers of the ground. 3. But to those who endeavor to be benefactors ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

Have you not been cumberers of the ground; taking the nourishment of the earth
where some better tree might have grown, and bearing no fruit to the great ... - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

In a Barren Land
... period in which the Indians might prove helpful to a settlement's survival,
the newcomers deemed them not necessary, mere "cumberers of the ground. ... - 56k - Cached - Similar pages

Chapters 61-71
Your lawyers, doctors, scribes are useless cumberers of the ground; they are but
tumours on the body of the state; 26. They toil not neither do they spin, ... Aquarian Gospel/ The%20Aquarian%20Gospel-61.71.htm - 39k - Cached - Similar pages
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