Oct 22, 2012 17:40
12 yrs ago
5 viewers *
English term

through-seam blasting

English to Spanish Tech/Engineering Mining & Minerals / Gems
Gracias de antemano por su ayuda.

xxx’s investment and dedication has resulted in significant inroads into the development of new technologies that address requirements in hot-hole and through-seam blasting environments.
Proposed translations (Spanish)
3 Atreves de la voladura de la vetas

Proposed translations

3 hrs

Atreves de la voladura de la vetas

Entornos donde hay voladura de vetas.

Note added at 3 hrs (2012-10-22 21:04:33 GMT)

Atraves de la voladura de la veta.
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "gracias"
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