May 13, 2010 18:55
14 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Slovak Tech/Engineering Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts)
Definition from
Technique of shooting a number of pictures of the same subject and viewpoint at different levels of exposure.
Example sentences:
Due to the nature of what it means, bracketing has in the past been reserved for the professional photographer who could afford to and found it necessary to "burn" a lot of emulsion film to get the shot spot on. (All Things Photography)
Amateur photographers tend to use bracketing more, as it opens up room for error while allowing them to learn how metered exposures work. (
Used judiciously, exposure bracketing is a simple technique that can ensure proper exposure of a difficult lighting situation. (Photoxels)
Proposed translations (Slovak)
4 viacnásobný záber
Change log

May 13, 2010 18:50: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

May 13, 2010 18:55: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

May 16, 2010 18:57: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

May 23, 2010 19:54:

Jun 12, 2010 19:54:

Jul 12, 2010 19:54:


zuzanaflynn Jan 11, 2011:
The translation would be "stupňovanie expozície". I've checked a manual for a digital camera which has a function called AEB (Auto Exposure Bracketing) which was translated as "stupňovanie automatickej expozície".

Proposed translations

264 days

viacnásobný záber

Definition from own experience or research:
viacnásobný záber je fotografická technika, pri ktorej sa snímok zhotovuje viac krát za sebou pre vytúžené zachytenie napríklad pohybujúceho sa objektu. Niekedy sa pri viacnásobnom zábere pre každý snímok použije iné nastavenie zväčša jedného parametra ako napríklad expozícia, alebo vyváženie bielej.
Example sentences:
Musel som použiť viacnásobný záber aby som zachytil ten spávny okamih (Camera Manual)
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