Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

carrier-neutral network

Romanian translation:

reţea independentă de operator

Added to glossary by Robert Roata
May 26, 2008 09:04
16 yrs ago
English term

carrier-neutral network

English to Romanian Tech/Engineering IT (Information Technology)
Este vorba de un furnizor de servicii de livrare de conţinut pe internet, iar aceasta este infrastructura sa de reţea.

Proposed translations

1 min

reţea independentă de operator

Peer comment(s):

agree Péter Tófalvi
9 mins
Mulţumesc frumos.
agree Iulian Dumitrascu
5 hrs
Mulţumesc frumos.
agree Iosif JUHASZ
6 hrs
disagree Anca Nitu : operatorul nu are nimic de-a face cu repartizarea serviciilor de retea, el numai opereaza pe sistem
9 hrs
agree Tradeuro Language Services
10 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Mulţam, Cristian!"
9 hrs

furnizori independenti de retea (repartizati cumparatorilor in functie de pret)

cine ii repartizeaza ? companiile de network care la randul lor inchiriaza servicii de retea de la mai multi furnizori

How Neutral is Carrier Neutral?

The concept behind a carrier neutral facility is that with several carriers at the same location, competition leads to better discounts on circuits. Pretty soon, though, I'm sure 'carrier neutral' will become a marketing term devoid of all meaning."
If the neutral facility is reselling bandwidth services, they're no longer neutral; they will have a bias towards the provider with the biggest kickback or commission. In order for a true carrier neutral colo facility to be neutral, their offerings have to be neutral, which means they don't resell anything."
"carrier" = network priovider

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