Apr 4, 2004 17:10
20 yrs ago
English term

c. 69°

English to Czech Tech/Engineering Geography
The tree-line curves north to c. 69° and the forest-tundra ecotone offers food in winter.

Proposed translations

1 hr

circa 69°/přibližně 69°

just a sensible guess
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "That seems to be the right answer and the only one explaining that c."
10 mins
English term (edited): c. 69�

69° severní šířky

Guessing out of context - hranice lesa se stáčí až k 69° severní šířky a lesotundra poskytuje potravu na zimu
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2 hrs
English term (edited): c. 69�

69 rovnobežka , rovnobežka

severna zemepisna sirka, 69.5 je severny polarny kruh.
Ak sa hovori o lesotundre tak je to 69.5 stupen severnej zemepisnej sirky.
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