Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Nov 4, 2016 21:58
8 yrs ago
English term
lining out
English to Czech
Business/Commerce (general)
The lining out, taking care of different features, machined and un-machined surfaces, is defined as a critical part of the production process.
Lining out/distribution of working allowance has to be done by the machine shop if nothing else has been specified on the order."
The lining out, taking care of different features, machined and un-machined surfaces, is defined as a critical part of the production process.
Lining out/distribution of working allowance has to be done by the machine shop if nothing else has been specified on the order."
Proposed translations
5 | orýsování |
Pavel Prudký
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Change log
Nov 7, 2016 12:00: Pavel Prudký Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
10 hrs
Přídavku na obrábění (rýsovací jehlou). Podle mě se tím lomítkem myslí synonymum, marking out (nebo marking off) je také orýsování.
Viz příloha. (Ve Žďasu jsem to dělal kdysi osobně na praxi jako študák ČVUT).
Viz příloha. (Ve Žďasu jsem to dělal kdysi osobně na praxi jako študák ČVUT).
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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