Oct 30, 2013 08:27
11 yrs ago
English term
business needs
English to Czech
Business/Commerce (general)
Rozšíření dotazu:
toto je kontext, ve kterém se termín nachází:
Nick is already familiar with the roles of the Centre of Competence, the Business Service Centre and his business partner Luisa. The CoC Learning develops learning solutions based on business needs while the BSC organizes, administers and delivers all learning solutions.
toto je kontext, ve kterém se termín nachází:
Nick is already familiar with the roles of the Centre of Competence, the Business Service Centre and his business partner Luisa. The CoC Learning develops learning solutions based on business needs while the BSC organizes, administers and delivers all learning solutions.
Proposed translations
3 +1 | potřeby podniku / společnosti / organizace |
Jitka Komarkova (Mgr.)
![]() |
5 | zadání |
Václav Pinkava
![]() |
Proposed translations
2 mins
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
2 hrs
V tomto kontextu je business needs jen klišé a vlastně je to zkratka od "stated business needs", "identified business needs", ve významu "podle toho co podnik potřebuje/vyžaduje" - čili zadání. To je také nejvšeobecnější trefa.
Kdyby šlo o kontext "as business needs change" tak raději "potřeby podniku/ů". Business needs může znamenat i vlastního podnik, "the needs of the business" jsou pak "potřeby firmy", pokud jde např o shared services nebo outsourcing.
Kdyby šlo o kontext "as business needs change" tak raději "potřeby podniku/ů". Business needs může znamenat i vlastního podnik, "the needs of the business" jsou pak "potřeby firmy", pokud jde např o shared services nebo outsourcing.