Feb 27, 2008 15:53
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
English term

Basement fractured reservoir

English to Arabic Science Petroleum Eng/Sci
To respond the challenges of extracting oil from the Basement fractured reservoir, new technologies have been applied successfully.

Proposed translations

4 hrs

مكمن يحتوي على تشققات في صخور القاعدة

مكمن ذو قاعدة متشققة or any similar construction.
It is difficult to find a reference for the whole expression on the internet but here are some references for the individual components
صخور القاعدة
Peer comment(s):

agree Doaa El Seify : I like your translation more than mine.. good job!
30 mins
agree Mohsin Alabdali
6 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Selected automatically based on peer agreement."
22 mins

قبو المستودع المكسور أو المقسوم أو المنفصل

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2 hrs

الخزان مشروخ القاعدة

خزان الزيت ذو القاعدة التي بها شروخ
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3 hrs

تشققات الخزان الارضي

او تشققات الخزان تحت الارض
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