Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

Type IIB

Arabic translation:

نوع 2ب

Added to glossary by Zeinab Asfour
Apr 8, 2006 20:29
18 yrs ago
English term

Type IIB

English to Arabic Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals
I know the term von Willebrand Factor means عامل فون وليبراند... But what I need to know is how to translate the rest of the term, what does IIB stand for?
I did some searching on google, and I found the following :
أما MEN نمط III ( ويدعى أيضاً نمط IIB ) : تشبه هذه المتلازمة النمط II في علاقتها بالسرطانة اللبية وورم القواتم إلا أنها تختلف بندرة إصابة الدريقات . بالإضافة لذلك هناك ميل لأن يشبه مظهر المريض هيئة متلازمة مارفان . ويحدث لدى المرضى أورام عقدية عصبية حميدة مرئية وأحياناً مبهمة في الشفة واللسان ومخاطية الفم

Do I leave IIB as it is and just put the word نمط next to it?
Any other suggestion? Please advise....

Much obliged everyone :o)
Proposed translations (Arabic)
5 +1 نوع 2ب
Change log

Apr 8, 2006 20:36: Fuad Yahya changed "Term asked" from "von Willebrand Factor Type IIB" to "Type IIB"


Zeinab Asfour (asker) Apr 8, 2006:
Ok Enshrine, I'll keep that in mind..and thank you wery wery much ;)
Ala Rabie Apr 8, 2006:
better still, consult an american* or european md.
* 3oluj :D
Ala Rabie Apr 8, 2006:
in almost all the instances of 'w' that occur in the baltic-finnic, and perhaps even finno-ugric languages, is used as a derivation of 'v'. it's been a tradition taken from germany :) -- check this link!
Zeinab Asfour (asker) Apr 8, 2006:
But that's what google said :P
Ala Rabie Apr 8, 2006:
umm.. zeinab, it's 'فون فيليبراند', since erik von willebrand is finnish :)

Proposed translations

8 mins

نوع 2ب

Type I: This is the most common and mildest form of von Willebrand disease. Levels of von Willebrand factor are lower than normal, and levels of factor VIII may also be reduced.
• Type II: In these people, the von Willebrand factor itself has an abnormality. Depending on the abnormality, they may be classified as having Type IIa or Type IIb. In Type IIa, the level of von Willebrand factor is reduced, as is the ability of platelets to clump together. In Type IIb, although the factor itself is defective, the ability of platelets to clump together is actually increased
• Type III: This is severe von Willebrand disease. These people may have a total absence of von Willebrand factor, and factor VIII levels are often less than 10%
• Pseudo (or platelet-type) von Willebrand disease: This disorder resembles Type IIb von Willebrand disease, but the defects appear to be in the platelets, rather than the von Willebrand factor

Peer comment(s):

agree Nashwa Abdullah : yeah, as (type II diabetes, etc.) is translated :-)
13 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks a lot Mr.Fuad :)"
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