Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

“Just Cause”

Arabic translation:

سبب له ما يبرره، سبب مبرر

Added to glossary by M Ali Hassan
Oct 27, 2014 16:11
10 yrs ago
7 viewers *
English term

“Just Cause”

English to Arabic Medical Insurance Health Plan Handbook
Sometimes there may be a special reason that you need to end your health plan membership. This is called a “Just Cause” membership termination. Before you can ask for a just cause membership termination you must first call your managed care plan and give them a chance to resolve the issue. If they cannot resolve the issue, you can ask for a just cause termination at any time if you have one of the following reasons


M Ali Hassan (asker) Oct 27, 2014:
The text that follows You move and your current MC (Medical Care) is not available where you now live and you must receive
non‑emergency medical care in your new area before your MC membership ends.
2. The MC does not, for moral or religious objections, cover a medical service that you need.
3. Your doctor has said that some of the medical services you need must be received at the same time
and all of the services aren’t available on your MC’s panel.
4. You have concerns that you are not receiving quality care and the services you need are not available
from another provider on your MCP’s panel.
5. Lack of access to medically necessary Medicaid‑covered services or lack of access to providers that are
experienced in dealing with your special health care needs.

Proposed translations

12 mins

سبب له ما يبرره، سبب مبرر

Note from asker:
Thank you
Peer comment(s):

agree mona elshazly
3 mins
agree Erfan Elzanaty
10 mins
agree Lamis Maalouf : سبب مبرَّر
1 hr
agree adel saad
12 hrs
agree Ahmed Ghaly (X) : سبب مبرر - عادل
1 day 5 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
9 mins

إنهاء العضوية لسبب ما

from the explanation you gave I understood that there is reasons for termination of membership. Please provide the text that follows so I and our colleagues can help you.

Note added at 3 hrs (2014-10-27 19:55:12 GMT)

I think سبب مبرر is better
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Thank you
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