Glossary entry

Dutch term or phrase:

strekken XYZ tot

English translation:

serve the bank as [security/collateral]

Added to glossary by Dave Calderhead
Feb 16, 2006 22:58
18 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Dutch term

strekken XYZ tot

Dutch to English Bus/Financial Finance (general) credit contract
Zederheden en verklaringen
Op grond van artikel 18 van de Algemene Voorwaarden van [de Bank] strekken alle zaken, waardepapieren en effecten, die [de Bank] of een derde voor haar uit welken hoofde ook von of voor de kredietnemer onder zich heeft of krijgt, alle aandelen in verzameldepots als bedoled in de Wet girall effectenverkeer die zij onder haar beheer heeft of krijgt, en all bestaande en toekomstige vorderingen van de Kredietnemer op [de Bank] uit welken hoofde ook [de Bank] tot.

What is the best translation in this context?
Is the word order uncommon? I'd expected "strekken tot XYZ".



heikeb (asker) Feb 17, 2006:
;-) Yes, Dave, that definitely makes sense.
heikeb (asker) Feb 17, 2006:
missing part? I have the growing suspicion that I only have the first page of several pages. There is no period after "tot" on the origal. I just assumed it should be the end of the sentence since the page is signed at the bottom. But maybe the parties have to sign each page individually, not just initial it etc.
The gerenal meaning is clear, ie. the bank can use the assets as collateral.

Proposed translations

1 hr

serve the bank as [security/collateral]

it looks like your sentence ends with the zekerheid missing!
Hence my confidence level of medium.
Looks like a job for the scanning detectives?
Something went wrong...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
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