Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Danish term or phrase:
beskåret af emballagens forside
English translation:
(cropped) free of the front of the packaging
Added to glossary by
Rosica Dimitrova
Apr 28, 2011 06:55
13 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Danish term
beskåret af emballagens forside
Danish to English
Logoet er altid placeret øverst i venstre hjørne og beskåret af emballagens forside efter ovenstående princip hvor X=Y. X er afstanden fra F’et til den hvide linje i logoet
Proposed translations
3 | (cropped) free of the front of the packaging | Michael Davies |
Proposed translations
1 hr
(cropped) free of the front of the packaging
- beskære: crop (/cut / trim)
- emballage: packaging
- forside: front
Note added at 1 hr (2011-04-28 08:22:23 GMT)
Again (see my response to "gå fri af vandet"), not being able to see the logo in question, it is difficult to envisage exactly what is intended in the source text. However, my response should give you an idea, which you can adapt accordingly.
- emballage: packaging
- forside: front
Note added at 1 hr (2011-04-28 08:22:23 GMT)
Again (see my response to "gå fri af vandet"), not being able to see the logo in question, it is difficult to envisage exactly what is intended in the source text. However, my response should give you an idea, which you can adapt accordingly.
Example sentence:
... and cropped from the front of the packaging ...
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