Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Danish term or phrase:
går sub
English translation:
subkutant - subcutaneously
Added to glossary by
Feb 10, 2024 22:36
12 mos ago
8 viewers *
Danish term
går sub
Danish to English
Medical (general)
Patient records - hospita
Hi - this phrase appears several times in a patient's medical records and concerns catheter insertion/IV access - does "sub" here mean "collapse"?
It appears as follows:
Begge IV-adgange går sub og må genanlægges v anæstesien.
PVK gået sub x2 -> anlagt 20G 51 mm PVK UL vejledt venstre antebrachium skyllet 10 mL NaCl x2 ukompliceret.
Thanks for your help!
It appears as follows:
Begge IV-adgange går sub og må genanlægges v anæstesien.
PVK gået sub x2 -> anlagt 20G 51 mm PVK UL vejledt venstre antebrachium skyllet 10 mL NaCl x2 ukompliceret.
Thanks for your help!
Proposed translations
4 | subkutant - subcutaneously | Pernille Kienle |
Proposed translations
2 mins
subkutant - subcutaneously
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "Thanks for your help!"
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