Glossary entry

Danish term or phrase:

en række sager og vederlag (in this context)

English translation:

a number of cases and remuneration (legal fees)

Added to glossary by stephen mewes
Apr 4, 2012 11:50
12 yrs ago
Danish term

en række sager og vederlag (in this context)

Danish to English Bus/Financial Business/Commerce (general)
Den aftale, som de pågældende i øvrigt var blevet tilbudt for overgivelse og afslutning af en række sager og vederlag herfor, var bortfaldet som følge af de pågæIdendes manglende accept


Andres Larsen Apr 4, 2012:
series of legal claims/court cases & legal fees a series of legal claims and / or court cases (involving commercial disputes) and remuneration (legal fees)***

Proposed translations

4 hrs

a number of cases and remuneration (legal fees)

This agreement, which in addition was offered to the parties / persons concerned for a waiver and termination of ***a number of cases and remuneration (legal fees)*** hereof, was canceled as a result of a lack of acceptance (of this agreement) by the parties / persons concerned.

Note added at 5 hrs (2012-04-04 17:20:02 GMT)

in this context, "en række sager" could also be "a series of legal claims and / or court cases (involving commercial disputes)":

This agreement, which in addition was offered to the parties / persons concerned for a waiver and termination of ***a series of legal claims and / or court cases (involving commercial disputes) and remuneration (legal fees)*** hereof, was canceled as a result of a lack of acceptance (of this agreement) by the parties / persons concerned.

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agree rajagopalan sampatkumar
1 hr
agree Zofia Wyszynski
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