Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

speciální plná moc

English translation:

special/specific power of attorney

Added to glossary by Marek Buchtel
Feb 9, 2006 11:20
19 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Czech term

speciální plná moc

Czech to English Law/Patents Law (general) Probate
I understand "speciální plná moc" would be understood as "specific power of attorney". However, in the U.S. specific power of attorney may be "durable" or "non-durable". Is there such a distinction for specific power of attorney under the Czech law?
Proposed translations (English)
4 special power of attorney


Pavel Blann Feb 11, 2006:
Just to correct the Czech term: it should be "zvl�tn� pln� moc" (specific one for each action). True, it's durable by default under Czech law. So the clause "This durable special power of attorney may be revoked by me at any time" is redundant in Czech.

Proposed translations

1 hr
Czech term (edited): speci�ln� pln� moc

special power of attorney

"special" seems to be used more frequently than "specific", although I believe that both versions are possible.

As far as I know there is no non-durable power of attorney in the Czech law.
Power of attoreny according to s. 31 et seq. of the Czech Civil Code (40/1964 Sb.) is not terminated by disability of the person granting the PoA. (see s. 33b of the Civil Code)

Note added at 1 hr (2006-02-09 12:53:16 GMT)

I believe that it is possible to make the PoA non-durable by expressly saying so in the document, but this is quite unusual...
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks. Every little bit helps. :-) It seems that "special" and "specific" are used interchangeably here in the states. To compound the issue, each of the 50 states has its own laws and nomenclature. A lot of times neither "special" nor "specific" is a part of the phrase, e.g. "limited power of attorney", etc. Once again, thanks for your timely response."
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