Glossary entry (derived from question below)
Czech term or phrase:
Byt, ve kterém mám právo na dožití
English translation:
right to life tenancy
Added to glossary by
Jana Garnsworthy
Mar 15, 2014 11:34
10 yrs ago
3 viewers *
Czech term
Byt, ve kterém mám právo na dožití
Czech to English
Law: Contract(s)
Dobrý den, lámu si s tím hlavu, jak byste to prosím formulovali? Děkuji.
Proposed translations
4 +1 | right to life tenancy |
Hannah Geiger (X)
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4 | life estate |
Maria Chmelarova
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3 | an apartment with guaranteed lifetime rent |
Petr Kedzior
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gift with reservation of benefit |
Stuart Hoskins
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Proposed translations
1 hr
right to life tenancy
A life tenant is an individual who owns a life estate in a piece of property. On a day-to-day basis, a life tenant is no different from any other homeowner, but the ownership has already been transferred to someone else, known in law as the "remainderman." At the death of the life tenant, the remainderman takes possession.
Note added at 3 days8 hrs (2014-03-18 20:23:55 GMT) Post-grading
You are welcome, Jana, thanks.
Note from asker:
Thanks Hannah, your answer is similar to what I used in the end. Thank you for all your input. J x |
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
Comment: "x"
1 hr
life estate
" is right to use and occupy the property for the duration of the lifetime of the life estate holder"
Note from asker:
Dekuju, Maria, life estate vyjadruje to same jako life tenancy, ale v tomto pripade se mi do vety vice hodilo life tenant. Presto diky za odpoved. |
20 mins
an apartment with guaranteed lifetime rent
Note added at 2 hrs (2014-03-15 13:43:38 GMT)
možná bych to ve světle dodatečných informací přeformuloval na
"apartment with lifetime rent guaranteed by easement"
Note added at 2 hrs (2014-03-15 13:43:38 GMT)
možná bych to ve světle dodatečných informací přeformuloval na
"apartment with lifetime rent guaranteed by easement"
Note from asker:
Diky Petre za Vase prispeni do diskuze a Vas navrh, nakonec jsem tam dala life tenant, coz se do kontextu hodilo nejlepe. J x |
Peer comment(s):
neutral |
Hannah Geiger (X)
: Jana has now confirmed that it is the other type of situation
34 mins
I am not sure about that. She has not confirmed whether the contract is governed by the old ObčZ or by NOZ...
Reference comments
3 hrs
gift with reservation of benefit
“If you give your home to your children with conditions attached to it, or if you continue to benefit from the home yourself, this is known as a 'gift with reservation of benefit' and the gift won't be exempt from Inheritance Tax, even if you live for seven years afterwards.”
“You can continue to live in your home as your primary residence after giving it away, provided you pay a market rent to the new owner. Bear in mind that the new owner may have to pay Income Tax on the rent you pay them.”
Note added at 3 hrs (2014-03-15 14:54:14 GMT)
“You can continue to live in your home as your primary residence after giving it away, provided you pay a market rent to the new owner. Bear in mind that the new owner may have to pay Income Tax on the rent you pay them.”
Note added at 3 hrs (2014-03-15 14:54:14 GMT)
To, o čem píšete, spíše připomíná závěť.
dožiť - ( upon my death)
Those are stipulations/conditions, that XY will stay/live on the property upon his/her death ....)
Je-li to ošetřeno jen věcným břemenem podle starého ObčZ, tak je to něco jiného a "life estate/tenancy" je nepřesný překlad.
Záleží tedy IMHO na širším kontextu.
Zde je například ukázka, jak se to řešilo podle předpisů platných do roku 2014:
s tím věcným břemenem jsem už pracovala, ale v prodeji domu, ne v případě daru.
To se u nás dělá myslím jedině formou věcného břemene doživotního nájmu zapsaného v KN.