Glossary entry

Czech term or phrase:

pracuje ve fabrice kde se tzv. kokylny vymazavaji burelem a grafitem

English translation:

blast furnace

Added to glossary by Martina Schwartz
Mar 25, 2005 02:51
19 yrs ago
Czech term

pracuje ve fabrice kde se tzv. kokylny vymazavaji burelem a grafitem

Czech to English Medical Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng diagnostic medicine
I believe 'burel' is manganese dioxide (or, manganese black/cement black) and 'grafit' is graphite.
'vymazavat' - to lubricate (something)

I just need to have 'kokylna/kokylny' translated.

Context: this article is about a man who suffers from chronic manganese poisoning and has been exposed to noxious gases and vapors.
Proposed translations (English)
4 +1 blast furnace

Proposed translations

7 hrs

blast furnace

"kokylna" is a colloquial or steel industry slang for "blast furnace", or perhaps even "blast furnace plant/workshop". However, in the context it just referss to a blast furnace. I believe the term originated in the term "coking", meaning (as extensively explained on the webpage referred below):
"the heating of coal in coking chambers, closed off from the outside air, in the course of which the volatile constituents such as coke oven gas, tar, benzol, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia are expelled, collected and recycled for other uses"
Personally, I am not surprised anyone working in those types of plants for more than a few weeks would have suffered some damage...
Peer comment(s):

agree Jirina Nevosadova
19 hrs
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "thanks a million."
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