1 |
Manufacturing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
2 |
tehnical, general, communication, fast, electronics, journalism, economics, busniess, marketing, computers, ...
3 |
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Psychology, Nutrition, Metrology, ...
4 |
Psychology, Metrology, Mathematics & Statistics, Astronomy & Space, ...
5 |
Folklore, Metrology, Linguistics, Geology, ...
6 |
translation agency, spanish, german, french, translator
7 |
pravo, imigracija, zakon, psihologija, reklame, lijekovi
8 |
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Printing & Publishing, Internet, e-Commerce, Transport / Transportation / Shipping, ...
9 |
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, IT (Information Technology), Linguistics, Metrology, ...
10 |
Medical: Health Care, Medical (general), Metrology, Music, ...
11 |
Bosnian linguist, Serbian linguist, Croatian linguist, Serbo-Croatian linguist, Bosnian translator, Serbian translator, Croatian translator, Bosnian translation, Serbian translation, Croatian translation, ...
12 |
Manufacturing, Computers (general), Transport / Transportation / Shipping, Textiles / Clothing / Fashion, ...
13 |
immigration interpreter, Law and medical interpreting and translating experience
dependable, translation of diplomas and school certificates, medical translator, legal translator
certified translation of birth, marriage and death certificates
medicinski prevodioc
prevodioc za imigracioni ured